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Everything posted by Deactivat3d

  1. The priority categories exist from Low to Critical/Emergency level. There's nothing connected that makes this paid for users but sounds like a possible plugin? Blesta CMS is a third party plugin by Blesta.store which adds CMS features to Blesta. I am only using the community (free) version which allows me to create pages and blog posts with their own descriptions and URLs. The blog posts have comments enabled and author profile under each post. You can use the blog features for any page on Blesta like a news section for example. The URLs are friendly for posts and afaik you can set a featured image. Things like social media sharing could probably be easily done using whatever platform's tools are available. Yes, Blesta offers a multiple company licensing option so you can essentially license another brand on the same, but separate, installation. This aside, I would appreciate invoicing for manually added credits just to keep track of things. Maybe one for https://requests.blesta.com/ Closed is essentially "Settled". As far as I know, when you download a PDF invoice it will use the information at that time. Definitely a good improvement to be had.
  2. Does Blesta issue unnecessary invoices? For example ones with "zero" amount, fully paid by credit, 100% discount... I believe so, I have had invoices set at 0 which I've cleared out before. What about CMS/SEO capabilities? Is there something usable or using a third-party CMS like WordPress is the only option you have? BlestaCMS by @Blesta.Store is the (Blesta specific) market leader for an integrated CMS client. Force customers to accept changes to terms and conditions like it works for PayPal It's just an acceptance box upon any package order. Late fees system This is a new(er) feature but exists for percentage or fixed amount. Download invoices, credit notes and proformas in CSV format Export Tax Liability, Invoice Creation, Package Revenue, Aging Invoices, Transactions Received, Custom Report, Transactions Applied Invoice overpayment (eg. total due 10, paid 12. What about the overpayment of 2 euro?) Overpayments are stored as a credit balance natively for use on future invoices.
  3. Deactivat3d

    Friendly URLs

    Working example would be great
  4. More options would be good. In the mean time, could you perhaps create a Client Group called "inactive"?
  5. I don't think 4.1.1 counts as a minor revision (patch) of 4.0.1. I might be wrong but looking at the patches It looks like you'd be going from 4.0.1 to 4.1.1 and missing the main 4.1 main release? How much customisation have you done? P.S Always take backups!
  6. When you log in to NameSilo you may see this message: The user in question needs to confirm their email address to comply with rules set. "In order to comply with ICANN rules, all email addresses listed in WHOIS for the Registrant role must be verified. This is a rule that applies to all accredited registrars including NameSilo. "
  7. Will give it a go!
  8. Instead of having a domain as an addon, what I think you can do is set it so a domain form pops up before the package specific form with an optional skip button. If you are using two domain modules, I think you should have an individual package for each one.
  9. Glad you got it working. Ironically I hit the same problem after, but noticed this was due to the packages having 0 stock. Not sure if it's worth a mention for others.
  10. Feel free to PM me the links you are experiencing issues on and I'll keep thinking in the mean time. Do you have any SSL rules on your web hosting panel or server? .htaccess, etc? Regards, Michael
  11. Hi Sixten, My experience of this has only been brief and usually cleared up after a while, I don't remember the history of changes I made unfortunately. My first thoughts would be to try different order form types, clearing cache, cookies, trying other browsers and checking your website logs. Regards, Michael
  12. Apologies for the necro. I would just like to join the list of people who are interested in this feature, as well as some of my customers who have expressed this concern. p.s the "key" generated on my install doesn't work when entering to Google Authenticator, only the QR code. But that might be for another thread.
  13. Thank you, it is PHP 7.3.17. Based on the latest Blesta release notes and core developments, I would say every one is working very hard. Happy to be patient on this one
  14. Hi Stu, Google and others can be convenient but if you really care about your data you might want to self-host this. If you're not keen on that, you can meet in the middle and go with a mail provider that is smaller and more focused on the security and integrity of your data. Cheers
  15. With 9 location offerings and 3 packages per location, my package list is growing quite full. I decided to convert my reseller offerings to 3 packages, with 9 configurable options instead. To accept the order, I have to select the correct server (as opposed to the default package one) that correlates to the configurable option, and that's that. Some sort of automated connection between that configurable option and the server would be great to automate this. Cheers.
  16. Hi friend, I'd be interested to know what's causing this and whether it's the same problem I'm experiencing. Every domain turns "Sorry, that domain is not available." The transfer option seems to work, however. Slight differences in our log display also have me intrigued. I was previously using the pre-forked version and since upgraded to 1.10.1.
  17. Great, I'm following this development.
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