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Everything posted by uptime

  1. I remember it's 500 USD when price change to 750 ? Please send me price in pv. Thanks
  2. Hello, If you have license and don't need it, If you sell it I Buy it. Thanks
  3. Hello, If it's ok for sold and transfer i want it. Thanks
  4. I hope one person make VMware ESXI plugin for this system I need it really.
  5. Hello, I use whmcs system and want use for new brand blesta but i need hetzenr ded server plugin and vmware whit power cli .But not found any option for this option if find this option or plugin please call me. thanks
  6. Hello, Please send your price on PM for me
  7. Hello, Thanks . it's important from cloud can give time when develop it?
  8. Hello, Plese send PM your price I want it
  9. I want it. I send you PM .
  10. Hello, Dont have an option for DED server ?
  11. Hello, https://licensecart.com/blesta/ sell is 170 USD can you provide cheaper price?
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