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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Luke

    Email doing weird

    Hey, so whenever I click edit emails, it doesnt do anything. I can click on edit, sure, but nothing happens!
  2. I want the client to get an email
  3. Okay, so there are a few things: First of all, I didnt get an email. Second is that I want to login to a multicraft panel, and third is that the ip shown on the website is, but the connection is from the ip of the VPS.
  4. looks like its working now, I still dont get any emails though
  5. alright, Ill give it a try
  6. Then what should I place instead? Should I just use my ip?
  7. Yeah thats the problem, I dont have a hostname. So I put in my IP. And that isnt resolvable
  8. This email is not coming through when client buy a service
  9. Cron is saying this
  10. Hey, It's me agian. I need help installing paypal, because my paypal IPN is not working (wrong link). Also, when a client buys something, they dont get a confirmation email with login credits. The service they ordered is put on pending and is not working. (multicraft servers) I also want clients able to make accounts for themself. And I also want to know how to integrate this buying system to my website, I want client to go to my website and be able to buy servers from the website instead from blesta. Also also, I need to know how to make the panel link from this: http://multicraft. to look like this http://panel.myhosting.com/ I know its a lot im asking help for, any help is appreciated!
  11. Luke

    Trouble with installation

    Yes! It's working! Thanks for the help
  12. Luke

    Trouble with installation

    Weird.. After installing ionCube loader for 7.2 I still get the same error
  13. Luke

    Trouble with installation

    Seems like the ionCube loader is for php 5.4 and not 7.2 ill try installing it for 7.2
  14. Luke

    Trouble with installation

  15. Luke

    Trouble with installation

    The database is not populated with any tables, the database login info is correct, the user has full access, and when I try the CLI installer it doenst detect the extensions.
  16. Hey, I'm trying to install Blesta on my machine, and so far so good! But theres 1 problem, and that is that Blesta is doing weird with my database. Take a look. I filled in everything correctly, the database exists. But when I click ''install'' it takes me to a blank page, and when I go back back, it seems like the installation is loading, but it gets stuck here and wont move at all. Am I doing something wrong?
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