I have already contacted sales, but just putting it out here so the community helps me push for it.
The majority of changes I need done are requirements for a EU Ltd business, with two requirements
being Croatian specific.
Some of the changes have been mentioned before here, but let's me say it again:
- snapshot invoice documents - address, name, etc should remain the same even if client/admin changes their details
- Invoice should have the following data:
- creation date & time
- invoice date & time (i.e. accounting date) and
- due date
- making an invoice void or doing a refund/partial refund should generate a new invoice with negative line items,
including proper negative vat
- payment type - invoice needs to have a payment type on it (Bank transfer, Paypal, etc)
- have a way to generate invoice no. with the following format: #56-1-1, where obviously 56 is the number of the
invoice in a given year, and -1-1 is always the same
- generate bi-lingual invoice (say when a user downloads/gets the PDF, it needs to be in two languages/currencies, main one being HRK, and the other one being whatever (English/USD, English/EUR))
CROATIAN, but I can probably implement:
- fiscalization protocol (http://fiscalization.hr)
- using currency exchange rate from our national bank
GENERAL, but I can probably implement:
- Braintree support
I know the requirements I have take time to implement, but I like Blesta, I really do. I would like to use it for the business we have running here, but unfortunately can't at this moment. I am willing to pay to get some of these these things done, since I'd rather do that than implement the entire system from scratch.
Thanks for reading this far!