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Everything posted by herrmann

  1. herrmann

    tax inclusive

    Hello, same problem here. In parts of EU it is law that all B2C prices must be offered incl. tax. I've played with the demo. In settings > taxes you can select "inclusive" and "exclusive". But when generating an new invoice the setting take no effect. Yes, the checkbox "Tax" aside the item is active. Sub Total: € 10,00 Testtax (19%) € 1,90 € 11,90 .. in both cases. But when "inclusive" is active then it should be .. Sub Total: € 10,00 Tax (19%) € 1,60 € 10,00 Can you solve this soon?
  2. Perfect! Thank you.
  3. Hello, please let me ask if there is a central configuration for the decimal sign. I am in one of the "comma countries" and all peoples here like to see and work with decimal signs in amounts in exact the opposite place. EUR 1.000,00 instead of USD 1,000.00 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator ... we are not alone :-) This means not only the (printed) invoices but all input fields for staff members and customers. I've looked in the docs for a while but couldn't find anything regarding this.
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