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digifx last won the day on October 13 2018

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  1. I am getting an error when I try to install the module: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1061 Duplicate key name 'contact_id' How to fix that?
  2. Hey, I am still looking for a reliable coder who have experience to do this job. Please help!
  3. digifx

    Paymet Gateways

    Hi, thanks for your answer @Blesta Addons I will check 2) and 3) About the first issue, well, how can we change it to a more professional way? Is there any mod available already?
  4. digifx


    Just a little bug that may be fixed with one of the next updates. I think you accidentally swap inclusive and exclusive the in the tax setup. Inclusive will display the tax seperately and not included in the total. Exclusive will display the tax as part of the total. Greetings Chris
  5. digifx

    Paymet Gateways

    Hello, I installed three payment gateways: PayPal, Stripe and Coingate. But I have some troubles. 1. When I come to the last step in the ordering process, it does not look very customer friendly (see image 1). Why is there a difference between "New Payment Details" and "Other Payment options"? It would be better to have one box for the customer to select the payment option that he wants to use. How can this be done? 2. Though coingate payment gateway is enabled and configured. But I don't see this payment option and cannot select it in the order form. How to fix this? 3. When select credit card payment and click on "Pay & Complete Order" I get an error from stripe (see image 2). How to fix this? Thank you for support! Chris
  6. Is any other coder here who can help me?
  7. Hello, unfortunately no answer until now. Can you please check and respond?
  8. Just wrote you a PM
  9. Dear Paul, I am currently using WHMCS and I came across blesta and your Vultr module a few days ago. It's really intresting and good work. I installed blesta and the vultr module works really good. However, I need some modification so that it is suitable for me. I have written them down in the attached PDF. Can you do those modifications (additional payment for this is possible) or do you know someone who can do that? vultr.pdf
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