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Everything posted by huangsenli

  1. Today, the recommended blesta in the group is ridiculed, saying that this system does not work, as long as you close the Google verification code for one second, you can kill the database, no verification code can not be used in the country.
  2. 原来还有这么漂亮的模板 https://www.gloaug.com/
  3. 原来以为好复杂没有想到一下子就成功了
  4. 看起来挺不错的
  5. very good,I can't vote in this URL.
  6. Yes, all of Google’s products are forbidden. WHMCS is in China with its own image verification code.
  7. Is there a verification code like this? WHMCS uses this kind of verification code in China.
  8. reCaptcha Unusable in China, is there a verification code that comes with it?
  9. They are not people, they are machines, they automatically register, log in and send tickets.
  10. How to set up, is registered in the order, but they are not manually registered, try the robot
  11. Google verification code is not allowed in China
  12. Member registration, member login, tickets, all are smashed, no verification code? How to deal with it.
  13. Is the member verification code only available for Google? Google's verification code can't be used in China. China is blocking Google's website. Is there any other verification code? No verification code was swiped by 6000 members for an hour.
  14. Very good, can I upgrade?
  15. Thank you, it’s ok.
  16. Before the end of the trial period, I will purchase a license on your website for $140. Can I pay with PayPal?
  17. Some I saw that he posted a coupon code once.
  18. UNBRANDED No powered by branding 1yr of support of updates Unlimited Re-issues Host in your own server Access to Beta
  19. I know this website but there is no coupon code. Can you send one to me? My email: haolise@qq.com Thank you, brother.
  20. My blesta license expires immediately. Does anyone know which Blesta dealer has the most sales licenses, the most favorable? My email: haolise@qq.com Is there a coupon code to send one to thank my brothers?
  21. 原来有这么好的插件,非常牛逼
  22. 就是不需要登录可以直接从自己的网站进入cPanel
  23. cPanel How is this function implemented?
  24. 应该开发中国的支付接口,外国的太麻烦,一旦有争议很难拿到钱,用中国的支付公司就不一样,一旦付款要退款麻烦的很基本不会成功,而且是马上到账,马上可以提现了不需要等待多少时间。 China's payment interface should be developed. Foreign countries are too troublesome. If it is difficult to get money after a dispute, it will be different with Chinese payment companies. Once the payment is refundable, it will be basically unsuccessful, and it will arrive immediately. You can withdraw how much time you don't have to wait.
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