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Everything posted by FoxDenHosting

  1. Hi Everyone, I have 5 Google Domain invites and thought I would share them with some of you. Just let me know what email you want the invite sent to. Google Domains only works in the US currently.
  2. I feel it would be easier to use numbers (or numbers and the word) for the Month when entering the expiration date for the credit card when placing an order.
  3. I think it would be nice if there was hostname validation (make sure the hostname is a FQDN) when ordering dedicated servers or such.
  4. You can edit the login template at /public_html/blestainstall/app/views/client/bootstrap/client_login.pdt and <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-md-offset-1"> <h2><i class="fa fa-lock"></i> <?php $this->Html->_($company->name);?></h2> <h4><?php $this->_("ClientLogin.index.login_heading");?></h4> <p><?php $this->_("ClientLogin.index.description");?></p> <hr /> </div> is the div that control what is shown there. You can easily replace one of those with an image if you with to use a physical logo.
  5. Something that looks similiar to http://status2k.com would be amazing!
  6. Yeah, it seems you do have to put the absolute path. That fixed it.
  7. I have tried to setup my Uploads Directory in the Basic Settings but it will not say it is writable no matter what. Also, the GeoIP file was placed in the /uploads/system/ folder and it also says that it is missing. The /uploads/ folder has 755 permissions and is in the root of the account (above public_html) where the /tmp/ folder is.
  8. Need to see some Blesta vs HostBill and Blesta vs ClientExec
  9. I would love one please
  10. Updated this theme with a minor color change so it is easier to read.
  11. I changed some of the colors to make it look more appealing and easier to see as well as match the Admin theme better.
  12. I personally would like to see better invoice customization. Maybe use .tpl files instead of .php files for better custom invoices.
  13. I like the font! What font did you use there?
  14. Dark Theme A nice dark theme with some nice gradients and an emerald green navigation bar. theme-dark-client-foxdenhosting.zip
  15. FoxDenHosting

    Release 3.2.1

    Can't wait to see 3.3
  16. Enjoy guys Solved
  17. Flat Theme Simple, bright, colorful Admin theme EDIT: Updated the theme colors so the top right links are black, not purple theme-flatui_staff.zip
  18. I also can not find the "Mark Solved" button but I am entering the contest.
  19. Decided to make a FlatUI type theme that is clean, simple, and modern. EDIT: I changed some of the colors to be a bit more appealing than before theme-flatui_client.zip
  20. Decided to try and go with a flat looking client area theme. First attempt at making a theme for Blesta so let me know what you guys think
  21. I do not need an importer as I ditched HostBill before gaining any clients. I would be more than happy to test an importer though with some demo clients/packages/etc I have setup in a HB environment.
  22. Hey guys, I have a owned HostBill license and would love to help add this to the migration support list. Just let me know what you would need to work on this and I will be more then happy to help
  23. For SSL (https) use: echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey,,true); rather than: echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); This is because recaptcha_get_html() in recaptchalib.php (which gets the distorted text image) defaults to http unless you tell it otherwise.
  24. Would like to see a module built in where you can send custom customer satisfaction surveys.
  25. The current version of FontAwesome in the latest version is 4.0.3 which is outdated. The most current version is 4.1.0 which includes over 67 changes (https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues?milestone=6&page=1&state=closed) and 41 new icons I have updated to 4.1.0 and see no issues and the new icons are pretty fun
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