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  1. Hi Everyone, I have 5 Google Domain invites and thought I would share them with some of you. Just let me know what email you want the invite sent to. Google Domains only works in the US currently.
  2. I feel it would be easier to use numbers (or numbers and the word) for the Month when entering the expiration date for the credit card when placing an order.
  3. I think it would be nice if there was hostname validation (make sure the hostname is a FQDN) when ordering dedicated servers or such.
  4. You can edit the login template at /public_html/blestainstall/app/views/client/bootstrap/client_login.pdt and <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-md-offset-1"> <h2><i class="fa fa-lock"></i> <?php $this->Html->_($company->name);?></h2> <h4><?php $this->_("ClientLogin.index.login_heading");?></h4> <p><?php $this->_("ClientLogin.index.description");?></p> <hr /> </div> is the div that control what is shown there. You can easily replace one of those with an image if you with to use a physical logo.
  5. Something that looks similiar to http://status2k.com would be amazing!
  6. Yeah, it seems you do have to put the absolute path. That fixed it.
  7. I have tried to setup my Uploads Directory in the Basic Settings but it will not say it is writable no matter what. Also, the GeoIP file was placed in the /uploads/system/ folder and it also says that it is missing. The /uploads/ folder has 755 permissions and is in the root of the account (above public_html) where the /tmp/ folder is.
  8. Need to see some Blesta vs HostBill and Blesta vs ClientExec
  9. I would love one please
  10. Updated this theme with a minor color change so it is easier to read.
  11. I changed some of the colors to make it look more appealing and easier to see as well as match the Admin theme better.
  12. I personally would like to see better invoice customization. Maybe use .tpl files instead of .php files for better custom invoices.
  13. I like the font! What font did you use there?
  14. Dark Theme A nice dark theme with some nice gradients and an emerald green navigation bar. theme-dark-client-foxdenhosting.zip
  15. FoxDenHosting

    Release 3.2.1

    Can't wait to see 3.3
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