Wohooo....I have it working at last.
The procedure is as follows:
1. setup the Blesta Module on your web server where blesta is installed.
2. Create an API key in CWP which can then be added to the Blesta Module
3. Now for the stupid part and the easy fix to my complete waste of almost a week...
-Log into Centos Web Panel as Root
-Open file manager and navigate to /usr/local/cwp/.conf/
-in the above directory create 2 new files (they most likely do not exist)
1. api_key.conf (open this file and copy and paste just the API key created in CWP into this file then save it)
2. api_allowed.conf (open this file and paste just the IP adress of the webserver where Blesta is installed...if blesta has its own IP address then i would imagine one should use that ip address)
Now your CWP module for Blesta should work provisioning new accounts in Centos Web Panel.
Please note, i havent done any further testing at this point (ie i am not sure if all other functions of the module such as suspending, deleting, etc work).
Paul and Tyson, If you dont mind i will do a full write up of exactly how to do this (with screenshots) and forward that to you guys to add to the Blesta Wiki for this module.
Hope this helps others...it has been a very infuriating process for me and i have directed my anger at some people who really didnot fully deserve it. So to Paul and Tyson, i apologise for that.
I think the moral of the story is, "ensure that modules have decent working tutorials on how to configure them before releasing for public use!" In this case, things fell in a heap because the CWP API does not actually work properly...anyone who would create such functionality should have realised that they also needed to add scripts that automatically inserted IP addresses and API key into new files and directory as i outlined above!