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If a non registered user clicks on a product from my website, that user is then directed straight to the order form page in Blesta that correlates to the selection they made on my website products and services page. From here they are shown the option to "login" or "register a new account" and also the cost of the purchase they are about to make. If at this point, the non registered user simply chooses to "empty cart" ....nothing happens!!! What i would like to have happen in this situation is for the user to be redirected back to a custom URL I specify in the blesta backend dashboard! (in this case i would usually want it to go back to my website homepage where the user can select an alternative product/service)
Cento-Webpanel, How to reactivate cancelled user account
adamjedgar replied to adamjedgar's question in Support
ok, so if I create a new service, and the old service still has a functioning website on the CWP server...what will happen? What is really needed is a way of synchronising existing accounts on webservers so that they "import" if you like. Is there a way of doing this with the module or manually in Blesta? -
Cento-Webpanel, How to reactivate cancelled user account
adamjedgar replied to adamjedgar's question in Support
Ok so i think i may have found a solution on the Blesta end... 1. Using phpmyadmin, open the Blesta database 2. open table "services" 3. select row where the "package_Id", "client_id", "date_added", "date_cancelled" etc all coincide with the CWP user account that is suspended/cancelled 4. Edit the row and scroll down until you find the "Status" field. Change it from "cancelled" to "active". I think this may have solved my problem. Perhaps this will help someone else in the future. -
Hi guys, i manually provisioned a user account for Centos-Webpanel using Blesta. I am not sure how, but Blesta at some point has cancelled said user account on Centos-Webpanel and i wasnt aware that this has happened. The account cancelled 5 days ago according to Blesta, however, i have been logging into the CWP user account (that is supposedly cancelled by Blesta) and making changes to the wordpress website via Wordpress and only just now have realised this. Now i realise i cannot log into the CWP user panel...browser says "Account suspended" (but actually in Blesta it says account is cancelled). How do i reverse this in Blesta? Can i go into the Blesta database and change this manually? Am i correct in saying, if i attempt to add a new service in Blesta, the existing website is either going to be deleted and overwritten or, i will simply get an error because there is already an account on the CWP system?
When i change php70 fpm to php73 fcgi Blesta throws a browser error 500. I have wordpress websites on same server that i have also changed to fcgi and they are not having any problems. Any ideas on what could cause this? Is it a hotfix issue? Is there one for php 7.3?
Is there a Synergywholesale domain registration module for Blesta? There was talk about this for Ventraip Wholesale (now synergywholesale) a few years ago, however, i cannot find any reference to it having been completed. Has anyone done anything to further this effort? Without this module Im stuffed as I am a Synergywholesale account holder for all domain registrations. ( WMCS has a synergywholesale module) Synergywholesale support have said the following in reply to a ticket i sent them this morning... Hey Adam, Thank you for submitting your support request Unfortunately we do not have any plans at this time for a Blesta module, but the API is available here if you or a developer would like to try and create an integration or use WHMCS : https://apc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsynergywholesale.com%2Ffaq%2Farticle%2Fapi-whmcs-modules%2F&data=02|01||0e165efb62464c4c9a9108d6c6bcb6e6|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|636914911153245330&sdata=SFuS%2FYdlgU8QT%2FZsMSox6ycYpGUd0FGlsPTwTDQ1PEk%3D&reserved=0 While there are no current plans for Blesta modules it is something we will look into down the line if the interest is there. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns,
the solution is as paul mentioned at the top of this page of this thread...in CWP there are a couple of stupid things you have to do to get this working. CWP's automated API key generator has not been scripted well enough to also ensure that two entries are made into its own interface. These are You must set an API Key on your CentOS Web Panel server in: /usr/local/cwp/.conf/api_key.conf You must add your Blesta server's IP address on your CentOS Web Panel server in: /usr/local/cwp/.conf/api_allowed.conf Without one manually adding the API key and Blesta server IP address into the relevant files above, it will not work. Its not Blesta's error but rather CWP dumbass programming!
Tyson reacted to an answer to a question: How to configure API and Packages for Centos Web Panel
How to configure API and Packages for Centos Web Panel
adamjedgar replied to adamjedgar's question in Support
Wohooo....I have it working at last. The procedure is as follows: 1. setup the Blesta Module on your web server where blesta is installed. 2. Create an API key in CWP which can then be added to the Blesta Module 3. Now for the stupid part and the easy fix to my complete waste of almost a week... -Log into Centos Web Panel as Root -Open file manager and navigate to /usr/local/cwp/.conf/ -in the above directory create 2 new files (they most likely do not exist) 1. api_key.conf (open this file and copy and paste just the API key created in CWP into this file then save it) 2. api_allowed.conf (open this file and paste just the IP adress of the webserver where Blesta is installed...if blesta has its own IP address then i would imagine one should use that ip address) Now your CWP module for Blesta should work provisioning new accounts in Centos Web Panel. Please note, i havent done any further testing at this point (ie i am not sure if all other functions of the module such as suspending, deleting, etc work). Paul and Tyson, If you dont mind i will do a full write up of exactly how to do this (with screenshots) and forward that to you guys to add to the Blesta Wiki for this module. Hope this helps others...it has been a very infuriating process for me and i have directed my anger at some people who really didnot fully deserve it. So to Paul and Tyson, i apologise for that. I think the moral of the story is, "ensure that modules have decent working tutorials on how to configure them before releasing for public use!" In this case, things fell in a heap because the CWP API does not actually work properly...anyone who would create such functionality should have realised that they also needed to add scripts that automatically inserted IP addresses and API key into new files and directory as i outlined above! kind regards Adam -
How to configure API and Packages for Centos Web Panel
adamjedgar replied to adamjedgar's question in Support
As an update to this issue, I viewed a competitors CWP Module (whmcs) video tutorial. When I go through the WHMCS installation tutorial for their CWP module, in addition to inputting API key, a username and password fields also exist that must be filled out. The user inputted into these fields is the "Root" user for CWP itself! So, In order for a WHMCS module on another server to provision services on a CWP VPS, the root user and password for the CWP VPS must be inputted into the WHMCS module. Does this mean that the API key on its own is not enough? I don’t see anywhere in the Blesta CWP module where one can input root user and password. In the absence of username and password fields in the Blesta CWP Module, my assumption is that Blesta is attempting to use its own “admin” user to provision services via CWP API? If CWP doesn’t allow admin as a user (or doesn’t have that user) can this autoprovisioning still actually work in CWP with just an API key and nothing else? (the WHMCS tutorial for their module seems to indicate that it will not work without also inputting CWP root user and password) To make a comparison with some other modules we use in Blesta... The Blesta Virtualmin module requires “root” user and “password” to be added (i realise it has no API Key). So Blesta is actually logging into virtualmin with high level access as root user (Cyberpanel is the same). Vultr on the other hand, is same as CWP, it simply requires API Key only. However, perhaps CWP API is not programmed as well as Vultr and therefore the API key on its own is not enough...one still needs the root user and password entry?(those fields are missing in the Blesta CWP module) So is a potential solution for me to somehow change the Blesta admin user to "root" with the identical password to that used in CWP? If the answer to this is YES, how do i achieve that? Adam -
I know this is late, however resubmit your ticket a second time ensuring you are still logged in and that the ticket is visible in your dashboard. The ticket system isn't particularly foolproof...It will email ticket recpeits with a ticket if for tickets that are not connected to your actual account...these then go into thin air it seems.
It appears that the ticket system is also not working properly. Yesterday i submitted a support ticket request through blesta.com and received an automated email saying it had been received by Belsta administrators. When i log into blesta.com this morning, no such ticket is recorded as even existing. Considering this is a paid service, it is rather difficult to understand that something as simple as blesta.com ticket support system loses tickets in the database? Either someone is deleting them, or the system is experiencing some technical problems? I hope it is the later as someone intentionally deleting support requests would be another google search engine rankings minus. Considering that i have an earlier ticket still displaying in the ticketing system, i would be extremely disappointed if someone at Blesta is intentionally deleting support tickets on a service that users such as myself are paying for. i never had this issue with WHMCS...their support is reliable and understanding of the issues and how to resolve them. How can blesta admins fix client issues if the ticket support system is losing database entries?
503 Service Unavailable after provisioning new package on Virtualmin
adamjedgar replied to adamjedgar's question in Support
Also, I added a from to the virtualmin server...however I notice one is already there (now I have 2 cron for blesta) Why do I need to manually add a cron job if one is already there? -
This module does not work. I post this to save anyone considering it a complete waste of their time and effort. If you want to run Centos Web Panel, i would suggest WHMCS until this gets fixed! As best i can tell, it appears that this module is written for an old version of Centos Web Panel ( CWP Centos 6?) as the file /usr/local/cwp/.conf/api_allowed.conf does not existin on CWP for Centos 7 Also, the URL shown above http://wiki.centos-webpanel.com/cwp-account-api does not exist! This has been a "set and forget" module creation...and i suspect that is the reason it does not bloody work!
How to configure API and Packages for Centos Web Panel
adamjedgar replied to adamjedgar's question in Support
oops got off topic with last post...i have two issues, one for virtualmin and one for CWP. So to correct my previous post... in CENTOS WEB PANEL I have created a new cron and when i check the Centos Web Panel services... service crond status (the cron scheduler is loaded and active) If i type the following tail -n 20 /var/log/cron i note that Centos web panel is running the cron at 5 minute intervals as expected for root (even though cron code has /user/ ???) However, when i check CWP, no new accounts are being created in CWP??? I still cannot find anything to do with CWP module in any Blesta logs either. Something is seriously wrong with this plugin...without any setup documentation, I am flying completely blind. Surely whoever wrote this plugin must have some idea of how to set it up correctly??? -
As you all know, I have a Blesta Virtualmin Module that is not working correctly now, even though for the last month it has been working no problems. 1. I cannot find a solution to this and my intention is to delete the module and start over. However, this will require me to manually link working websites on my virtualmin server with blesta. How do i do this? 2. Also, I need to be able to do manually change a virtualmin>Virtual Server service in blesta from "Pending" >"Active" (NOT ACTIVATE...its already running on the virtualmin system, so activating will obviously throw an error)