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Everything posted by Tiny

  1. Hi all, I understand , that domain names Vietnamese TLD's ain't really supported. In fact not all. Still, I have have to deal with such. TLD's here only can be ordered, with a personal appearance at seller, usually VNPT. I have started setting up setting now, using the universal module.... .vn TLDs , module to execute, Universal Module, checking availability impossible but will become a separate topic I need: 1- email to be send to xxxxx@xxxx.com 2- upload field ( I assume minimal 3 files) 3- A text field, informing the buyer of the process.. is more like terms & conditions, read only currently I am testing this with the UNIVERSL MODULE and have so far the following entries: .VN Domain names receipient lbl: Send email to : Name: email@address Values: xxxxxxx With a test order and universal module selected, I get and see nothing, when ordering. Anyone can help me here to get me started? Tiny
  2. ooooooooooops, thank you. So I got a lot of extra work ... must .. see, how to manage this brrrrrr
  3. " Are you saying that there are 100 files that exist in your 4.2.2 backup.." No, after upgrading, I still had about 100 files, which where different to the 4.3 files version ... from 4.2.2 presumably + differences in customized files in short: just overwriting via ftp can be insufficient to replace existing files!!!!!! I have done, the upgrade process as described, it should be, uploading with replace all files + run the upgrade command after (for the database). All worked worked great, .. Until I was creating a ticket - they didn't show up, neither other tickets and logs_blesta full of logs. In fact, almost was working Restored by backup and sudden (almost) all was working, ticketing at least. Done the whole again and a few more times, with the mind, upgrade should fix. not destroy permissions, all fine. The I extracted blesta4.3 into a folder and downloaded my the live blesta into seperate folders and went over with MELD. and there came the WOW effect. It really was a some hundreds of files, which where missing lines lines, existing in the files of 4.3 Yes, after doing and replacing file by file .... I got it so far 100% working. There still might be some tasks, I have not tested or found out lagging yet. thx for caring Yes, Paul. After all that painful work, I could close all my tickets in support
  4. I believe, cryptocurrencies will take over in future, but a long way to go. Currencies are usually government controlled and at this early stage, no government is able to take control or control it. This something very new, for old fashion governmental institutions, who often work brainless and only are interested in making the biggest cut. Old fashion politics, state structures have to be torn down, before a global cryptocurrency can succeed. However, in closer future, I can imagine cryptocurrencies on local level, as parallel currencies to existing currencies
  5. Hi, I am pretty new here to Blesta and aware, that are some huge differences to WHMCS. I am still configuring, after import .....and that will take another few weeks at least. Module Logic Boxes, what what it does exactly do: As the is little to no configuration, that leaves me with some questions Does it update my pricing, if borderbox is changing the pricing? Will it both ways update changes to the owner? How about retrieving the Domain Transfer Code? Anyone can confirm one or more task with YES or NO? Thx a lot Tiny
  6. Hi Tyson, Despite, it sounds logic and correct, I can positively confirm, that it's not always sufficient. Had just the same issue. Despite repeatedly overwriting ....After upgrade from 4.2.2 to 4.3, I still had roughly 100 files from 4.2.2 left. A comparison with meld between the live files and a fresh downlaod was the proof and the fix, as well as dozens of errors and little problems gone, within the first minutes of testing
  7. Just create a a backup copy of custom/config files and compare them
  8. find /home/xxxxxx/public_html/ -type f -exec chmod 0664 '{}' \; find /home/xxxxx/public_html/ -type d -exec chmod 2775 '{}' \; # In your servers “root” .bash_profile / .bashrc set: root account of whm server add the line “umask 002” This will delegate root permissions to account for files inside the account owned by nobody or 999 Make sure, “public_html” dir has correct base ownership, likely accountname:nobody
  9. I just have done this, as I want to get rid of one of both (after upgrade, NOT install) ...Result: blesta doesn't work at all,
  10. I had the same. Also with vietnamese characters. There is a live update tool, called srdb, which can replace the scrambled characters. Due to the dangers and damages, the tool can cause, please find it yourself. Alternative, export you DB as sq/ or tzt or whatever and do a simple replace, after import it again
  11. Hi, yes, my thinking is well. I just had to run a restore, as I removed one of the 2 files and don't like to repeat that
  12. Hi, after upgrading to 4.3, I now have 2 blesta.ini and blesta-new.php Which of both is needed? I actually played a bit around, renaming one and then the other one .... and suddenly, all tickets did visual disappear. I had to restore completely. Which of both is needed, can one be removed safely?
  13. Tiny

    Invoice Terms language

    In Blesta, many fields are only single language. I have the same problem with invoices and Service descriptions. Only emails seem to be multi-lingual
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