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Everything posted by Tiny

  1. Hi all, I am a php (lamer) and about to play a bit with coding, a simple php-file as for now coming that far <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "xxx_user"; $password = "99999999"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } echo "Connected successfully"; ?> The above connects fine. Needing to read out the corresponding values from /config/blesta.php Anyone can push me the right way? Tiny
  2. This should be quite easy to make: Backup/download the mysql database, create a new one, back it up is well. With a tool like meld, you can move all over to the new one, just don't overwrite. After, restore the changed datbase
  3. and you can change/create tickets and also change the status?
  4. Hi Paul, despite inactive package and never sold, no active service, I still get "The term could not be removed because it is used by one or more services" . Its me enither showing where. Some other packages, I now can remove currencies. Is there a way, to find the e, where the message is referring to? Ideal would be something, user xxx has this service term xxx / currency xxx Due to currency converter / update issue, I want to reduce all package pricing to only the base currency, so that I hopefully whenever remove the unwanted/not needed currencies, as they are not uodatingwithin the package
  5. In my case, a lot files did NOT overwrite when uploading for upgrading via ftp. But it's sorted now
  6. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    I believe all of you.However, instructions say clearly on the project side: Upload files to components/plugins/universal_domains/ // ok Update the supported domain extensions in config/universal_domains.php // not see a place, where to enter Install the module in Blesta -> Settings -> Modules -> Available. // no new module showinf up Click Manage beside the Universal Domains Module. Enter a username and password for the Whois API. Enter your support email address if you'd like clients to be able to update nameservers via support ticket (automatic email). Other mentioned locations, it also did not show in Blesta -> Settings -> Modules -> Available. Is just a matter of happening
  7. I have the feeling, the error is caused by some file(s) not overwritten when upgrading. I had similar, no ticket was changing status, but updates where stored
  8. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    No, I am not able to get a step further, than I am. Just hoping, that someone knows or sees, what I am doing wrong
  9. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    Have mailed now the authors and requested a lamer guide. I bet, it's something (me) silly on my side
  10. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    Confirmed, it's not showing up, nowhere
  11. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    I will try once more, I just follow instructions, as long I don't know better
  12. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    Ok, I have now installed Blesta-UniversalDomains as described: Upload files to components/plugins/universal_domains/ // ok Update the supported domain extensions in config/universal_domains.php // not see a place, where to enter Install the module in Blesta -> Settings -> Modules -> Available. // no new module showinf up Click Manage beside the Universal Domains Module. Enter a username and password for the Whois API. Enter your support email address if you'd like clients to be able to update nameservers via support ticket (automatic email). Anyone has got any ideas?
  13. No, They seem to globally locked. A few have active services but all others nothing (active).
  14. After a WHMCS import, I have endless 'dead" and/or unusable packages. Packages can't be deleted, as still in use. Endless long lists with currencies and terms, I want to remove, as they ain't supported by currency exchange updates. Always errors, term in use when removing a currency or even the whole package. Currently I have placed all imported packages as inactive and building them new. IS a tough bit of work, However, customers still can select currencies, I want to remove. HOW TO GET RID of unused currencies? Anyone has any ideas?
  15. So, that issue is for now sorted out. I did add multiple currencies for the package(s). And that prices in there, where returned. They don't update in relation to the main currency. As for this, I really suggest, to apply massive changes to IMPORT MANAGER - WHMCS. Apert from customers, invoices+, module settings, all other imports are unusable and ideally should be skipped. It's a pain in the lower backside, disabling hundreds of services, which can't be deleted or adjusted. All packages must be new build Thx to Blesta Addons, I am now again a little further Tiny
  16. That would be at least a start. They neither work for me. can we maybe chat a few minutes and compare some items?
  17. I don't get the pricing update option to work at all, neither for new packages only, neither any
  18. In my experience, domains are a service, like hosting packages. However, most domains hold a lot short term settings due to promotions, buy/sell/renew/ protection. Leave alone the promotions. How to make that technical feasible, is a matter, I am not expert enough. Domains definitely need some kind of sync for pricing, availability, ownership. Being before a WHMCS user, I am quite disappointed, as most of the known common functionality is very limited to non-existing. It's the weakest part so far and definitely requires a lot of overhaul to be able to compete. They also demand a better management section and a better display of options when purchasing. From customers, I know, that they pay most attention for the name, the hosting package they see as secondary where errors can be fixed, whilst in names, errors are depending DNS replication, can take days
  19. I am afraid, that happens also with correct settings inside the DB. utf-8 bin to utf-8 bin. I have done with srdb. It's a tool, good for live search/replace and other within the database. It's still an endless job
  20. I also have seen that just now. We are working in 6 currencies so we have to calculate each single price almost on a daily basis .... Prices really should update in all currencies, after the lead price/base currency value has changed
  21. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    Thx a lot. As just newbe, wasn't able to figure all that out. Definitely will give this a try
  22. Tiny

    VN Domain names

    Thx a lot, that looks great. That I will do
  23. My wish list for domain checker ... - A kind of generic module, having sufficient fields, configurable, so that a module would suit more than one registrar , somehow, enter the NAME, API key, USERNAME, PASSWORD, so that ENom, logic boxes .. all, only would need a single module - can update the prices with a slab, according to sellers pricing, as well as an option, to make settings READ ONLY - Adding an email option (as I would need manually to buy certain TL's) and possible, with a file upload - Just for the availability checking ....an option, to add additional DNS servers to check on. -
  24. "When you have ...." and exactly, here we are on a regional digital parallel currency, controlled by some local state bank, integrated in ages old power structure. Doomed, to follow the same wrong way, of current currencies .What really is there "new"? You can pay via a link? We actually have this since years. Just doing this plugins and modules. A GLOBAL cryptocurrency would be something really new, but local it would change anything significant.
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