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Everything posted by Tiny

  1. is still avail. ask via PM
  2. Owned Lifetime Lifetime Support & Updates Re-issue license anytime in the client area Host on your own server Access to all future beta releases Can remove "Powered by Blesta" branding Price, negotiate $$$ via PM only. Payment via PayPal only
  3. still for sale, boght via blesta.com
  4. you mt have to white-list the Namecheap server in your firewall
  5. I have for sale. PM by interest Owned Lifetime $750 one-time Lifetime Support & Updates Re-issue license anytime in the client area Host on your own server Access to all future beta releases Can remove "Powered by Blesta" branding
  6. anyone want?
  7. lol, it's still the same, they asking since 4 month bliesta advertises as: Owned Lifetime was $500 one-time Lifetime Support & Updates Re-issue license anytime in the client area Host on your own server Access to all future beta releases Can remove "Powered by Blesta" branding
  8. Ask Blesta or Paul?
  9. still available
  10. Nope, not DQ. I remember somehow that is working only for C Card and this ACH payments. , both not enabled, should somehow hide that field. There is somewhere a topic to that, with a more clear description
  11. They should begin like this: |/home/user/public_html/site/plugins/support_managerpro/pipe.php I also had serious trouble, to get it working,. Also you likely need to set a hashbang and chmod to executable
  12. Blesta Owned Lifetime licence for sale. First reasonable offer can take. PayPal only Tiny
  13. Lamer Note: 1) Read iit again in 20 minutes; If your status remains, repeat 1)
  14. "Support Tickets and full data import from WHMCS " did not work for me. Customer data data where imported pretty good, with minor hickups in customer services especially in provisioning/renewal dates and some more serious problems on invoices, credit invoices- turned out to paid invoies - so a number of invoices appeared double ... "Existing PayPal IPN recurring payment profiles" At least your (admin profile) does "Knowledge Base import from WHMCS" did not work for me at all "Theme integration " no way. They are far to different by design and structure
  15. The trial does not allow installation of modules ...... only absolute minimal, at least about half a year ago
  16. The worth should be higher. I would call it the price, you have paid ..... Blesta has a few bright sides ..., however, the opposite side is the dark side. It really depends on what you gonna/wanna do with it.
  17. I would assume, that they use a own. shell scripted backup. This is not difficult to make. CPanel is usually only lame, if the server is busy. Like most providers, they will host websites on some VPS and backing up those as whole (also likely just the home directories) and their VMS systems seperate. Unless you know any insiders, I doubt, you can find out exact details. In caase of dedivated servers, it still might be as above cPanel backups from root/admin are stored by default on /backup/ftp/ftphummyde/outgoing/2018-11-14/accounts/uenwxrmr.tar ......... but they will likely use a separate server. Those, users can do are normally stored just in the root directory of USERNAME My backups running as shell cript from a remote server, initiated from remote and then pulled to remote
  18. Yep, I am on logic boxes. and therefore I really see the difference between WHMCS and BLESTA. I just wait for the update from Blesta to see, if it is supposed to be happen in within my future life expectation or if I return fully to WHMCS. TET seems about a good time to switch back. Then orders are on it's lowest and all staff away
  19. I have currently all paused on blesta and make my entries manually, after doing it in WHMCS. If there is no hope left for estimated rest of remaining life, I actually bet, WHMCS was crap, but still the better option
  20. Whatever, it might be called. At the current state, all related to domains i do in orderbox and changes don't reflect. In my eyes definitely THE module, which needs priority in development, as the current state is worse, than I would sell my to my enemies
  21. How far is this update/upgrading progressed? I am personally still very unhappy with the way, it currently works, starting with ordering/transfer/update (personal data) ..... . that I could ignore selling any domains since using blesta
  22. Tiny

    Upgrade package

    You need to ADD a Service, then the invoice is created To create just an Invoice, click the + (Plus) in the invoice header
  23. Tiny

    VN Domain names

  24. Thx, found the settings, Had both values on 30, i believe, as default, have changed them both now to 40 for testing. Database is untouched, apart from the chnages advised by you for upgrading support manager It's actually worse, 13 month. I have attached some screenshots. Again: Data are IMPORTED from WHMCS Some personal data blurred the top is the original entry in WHMCS I had similar also with another customer, just can't recall details, maybe 6-8 weeks ago, just can't proof it right now Both cases are domain parking, so clients have 1mb disk space only . Nothing else , like mail ..or ftp.
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