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Everything posted by cleverhost

  1. Interesting Tyson. Blesta is definitely very different from WHMCS and HostBill, and unfortunately I usually work on things like this late at night, so it's easy for me to get frustrated at that hour. Everything looks to be on the up-and-up now, so I'm plowing ahead!
  2. Yeah, I have no idea Paulo. You're right, it's working now, but it definitely wasn't working earlier. I didn't change anything, so I don't know what did the trick... :-\
  3. Hey everyone, I'm at a loss of what the problem could be here. I've done several searches and gone through about a dozen other support threads trying to find the answer, but I'm still unsuccessful at solving this problem. When I'm logged in to the admin area, I can easily see my web hosting order form: https://app.box.com/s/mdu9wy25baj4fsdksw9up7673v8zm0hq If I'm not logged in, I can't see a thing when I visit the same order form: https://app.box.com/s/3vnsfv9w2dj7tjv7ndpxib9zigkdnbfs Do you have any idea of what could be going on here? I've looked over my settings multiple times - the packages are assigned to a group, everything looks like it's assigned properly to the order form, the currency is the same across the board (CAD), etc. Help would be appreciated as I've been working on and off on this migration to Blesta for several months now. Thanks.
  4. That's correct, Ken.
  5. Update on this, for anyone that's been following along. I received three quotes, and do have someone in mind that I will move forward with. I've been really busy working on other initiatives, plus setting aside the money needed to get this done. If anyone's willing to chip in to see this module get done sooner, you can PM me and we can talk it out. Otherwise it will probably still be a few months before I can get this moving forward, but rest assured it will!
  6. PauloV, I finally made good on my promise and sent a donation your way. I hope you can spend a bit more time on this module as I am finally moving new sales over to Blesta very soon, and then my existing customers soon after that, and I only use OpenSRS for domain registration/transfers. Thanks for all your hard work!
  7. That is, in a way, my doing. Someone else mentioned that they use iDevAffiliate here in the forums, but not with Blesta. I contacted iDevAffiliate to find out what it would take to support Blesta, and they saw the opportunity and seized it immediately! From the time I contacted them on January 2, and two months later we have a full plugin. Not as quick as they wanted to get it done, but it's available nonetheless.
  8. Great to hear I'm not the only one that will benefit! I've reached out to all five developers Mike/Licensecart recommended. Hopefully I can reach an agreement with one of them and start development before the end of the month.
  9. The move to Blesta is happening soon!

  10. @Licensecart Thank you, Michael. @naja7host I stated my intentions, not my final decision about how to make sure more Blesta customers can benefit from the plugin. I stated this intention so that anyone who wants to engage in a discussion with me will know this ahead of time, and can provide a quote accordingly. I don't yet know, for certain, what I'm going to do with the plugin once it's ready. Depending on the cost, I may very well decide to simply redistribute it freely, or send it to Blesta and ask them to look it over and consider including it in the core product, or (as mentioned previously) sell it for a nominal fee (probably between $5 and $10). I hope that clears things up for you. Ultimately, if I did decide to charge for it, it would be worth it for most hosts to move off of MaxMind and over to Sift Science. The 10,000 free transactions per month alone would save many hosts a tonne of money, so $5 would be worth it for the module. Does that make sense? Either way, I have not made a decision about how to go about distributing it to others. I do think it's important to remember that I'm offering to fund the development of this plugin. I don't think it's unreasonable to consider making some of that money back.
  11. Hello! I thought about tackling this myself, but now that I see some very talented developers in this forum, I think it would make much more sense to hire someone that really knows what they're doing. I'm looking for someone to build a Sift Science plugin for Blesta. Sift Science provides a fraud detection/prevention solution much like MaxMind, but much better and less expensive for smaller hosts. Sift Science's API appears to be very well documented here: https://siftscience.com/resources/tutorials/integration-guide.html Sift Science accounts are free up to 10,000 transactions per month, so you should be able to sign up and perform all the testing you need to do. I would also like to note that I intend to make this plugin available for sale afterwards for a nominal price, so keep that in mind as you produce your quote. I don't plan on getting rich off of it though. I have not made a final decision on how to distribute the plugin though, so if you have other ideas then that is something we can discuss in detail. When looking at the link I provided, I would like to see a few things built into the plugin myself, like: I would like to see guests/first-time customers and existing customers treated differently. It would be nice to bypass Sift Science entirely for existing customers ordering additional services (e.g. an existing hosting customer that orders a new domain 3 months later -- no need for Sift Science fraud check in this scenario). If existing customers can bypass the fraud check, it would also be helpful to have a toggle to turn this feature on/off so that Blesta users have additional flexibility. The integration page has a section called "For Better Integration" that discusses things like login/logout, account creation, and cart activity. I would like to see these all integrated. There must be a place in Blesta, likely on the order review screen in the admin area, where you can see the Sift Science fraud score. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them privately or publicly. Quotes for development of the plugin can be sent to info@cleverhost.ca. Edited Jan 4, 2015 at 14:49 GMT-5 to clear up some things.
  12. PauloV, muito obrigado por este plugin gratis! Have you made any updates since November? I'm happy to chip in some funds so you can spend some time on it. It sounds like enough of it is done that I can use it now, but I'd like to know first if you have made any updates that will allow users to update their nameservers and other functions.
  13. Anyone? Blesta staff?
  14. How are you integrating it with Blesta? I just checked their site and didn't see Blesta listed as a system that's been integrated. HostBill is really dragging me down and I need to get off it ASAP. I'm aiming to get that done this month.
  15. Hi folks, whatever happened to this? We're still small enough that we can do the migration manually, but am importer would be fantastic if it's done.
  16. Hi again! It's been about a year since we started asking about OpenSRS integration with Blesta v3. Do we have any idea on when this will be ready?
  17. Edit: I forgot to read the rest of the thread before responding. This didn't add anything new to the convo. My bad.
  18. Any update on this? HostBill now has a new bug making it impossible for our clients to manage their name servers, or disable/enable the registrar lock. Not a huge deal since we're small, but still a problem we shouldn't run into at this point.
  19. Thanks for the update Paul. At this point we could probably do without the affiliate system given the lack of new customers arriving through it, but we do have one other need that needs to be fulfilled before we switch from HB (OpenSRS).
  20. I know CubicWebs, that's why I posed the question here instead. The lack of OpenSRS support and a referral system are the only things holding back my switch from Hostbill at this point.
  21. So what does CORE-387 mean, exactly? Like, what version do you guys see the OpenSRS module making it into? v3.2.0?
  22. Another vote of support for the WordPress integration plug, first-party or third-party. The plugin Zingiri built looks very elegant on the outside, so something like that for Blesta would get CleverHost moved over much more quickly!
  23. Exactly. The AJAXified infinite scroll method won't actually fix the "I don't know what page the result is on" issue. "View All" would, paired with the Find/Search function (Ctrl + F). I get annoyed when I have to scroll or page through dozens of pages as well, so I'll put my vote in for a "View All" button instead.
  24. Yup, absolutely. I'll have to +1 this request too.
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