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Everything posted by Shyuan

  1. I join mainly because the increasing love I have for Blesta! No problem for winning or not, but now I honestly know why Mike has so much love for Blesta
  2. Hi Paul, haha, I think I'm stupidly enough to think this is a contest where we showcase our theme, didn't realise it's actually for inclusion of the next Blesta. Anyway, after second thought, I think I will join the contest Here's the link (because I'm not allowed to upload this type of file format) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9588244/HostPride/theme-blesta_pride_-_red_amber.json
  3. Hey Mike, I think I missed out something then. Can I withdraw? Sorry for the mess, I probably didn't read the rules thoroughly!
  4. Hi there, I have no problem sharing with you the admin theme download links, unfortunately clientarea theme is meant to be dedicated to my clientarea. Hope you understand. Sorry about that!
  5. I tried using that for a while now (since I created it yesterday upon your request), not bad really Thanks for your words, appreciate it.
  6. You mean this? http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2001-support-manager-pro-tickets-delete-merge-spam-multiple-tickets/
  7. Appreciate it!
  8. Thank you Paul, can you kindly mark this as solved?
  9. Hehe, here you go, hope you like it. But let me know I wasn't allowed to attach the theme .json file here, so here you go: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9588244/HostPride/theme-blue_gem.json
  10. Here's the admin area of mine, thank you for viewing. Any feedback is welcome! I am also putting this in for contest to join the fun!
  11. Download Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9588244/HostPride/theme-blesta_pride_-_green_amethyst.json
  12. Okay! Thank you very much Tyson!
  13. I get what you mean Tyson I think I will have to explore more of it, will get back here if I don't find a way.
  14. Hi there, There is a dropdown for client to choose currency if they directly place order for hosting packages (without going through the domain name lookup process). If I set up another order form which requires client to go through the domain lookup page, is that not possible to choose currency when placing order for domain name?
  15. Hi Tyson, I am writing up the welcome email for Logicboxes' ResellerClub. In this case, I don't see any tags being explained here. Can you confirm? Thank you
  16. Thank you very much, I will install this today and let you know if I am seeing any issue.
  17. Good to hear that! Thank you for your quick response You've got these plugin/modules that are useful to me!
  18. Hi Paulo, I've went through the features of this plugin, if I am not wrong, I cannot find something like "related service". In WHMCS, when a client open a ticket, they can choose which product/service they are talking about. Is it possible to work on this? Or is this something already there but I missed? Hope to hear from you, thank you
  19. Hi Paulo, can I use this only for admin chat? P/S I've just donated to support your contribution, keep the work up!
  20. Note: Please pardon the title, it seems the forum is using auto caps for initial letter. Original title is "Tag {service.domain-name} Or {service.domain_name} ?" Hi guys, I am currently writing up the welcome emails and I can see the available tags all use "_" instead of "-", but out of sudden I notice {service.domain-name} is not using "_", is this a bug or meant to be?
  21. I was also stuck with this. Has this been taken into consideration?
  22. Maxmind will retire the phone verification soon. So, not sure if this is still a good idea?
  23. Hi Tyson,I do understand it is probably not possible to mark original post as Mark Resolved, hence I tried making the second reply in this thread yesterday but I still couldn't find the Mark Resolved button. Ended up I believe Paul did that for me
  24. Thank you Paulo
  25. Thank you for your kind words Paul Indeed, logo has just been redesigned and it's done in favour of migrating to Blesta! Needing a good logo to fit the great clientarea theme. Hehe. Thank you for the hard work
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