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Everything posted by qba82

  1. Ok I will try that.
  2. I mean support European Union Countries, not Euro.
  3. Hi, today another client get wrong password, I just checked Email log, and password was correct there, but client get wrong one, it was cut just after < including < sign.
  4. Hi, guys, You created ton of CC processors gateways which working only in US, and there is literally ONE processor for EU which is garbage Stripe. Could You please create any processor gateway supporting EU countries, like https://fondy.eu , or any other one?
  6. Could You guys at least start with some basic affiliate module? on some point affiliation is very necessary if You want keep growing Your hosting business.
  7. Hi, blesta create automatically password for new directadmin accounts, but when it use special characters like < then it don't send full password to user in activation email, for example: blesta created new directadmin account with password: sdaf3<2f245b53 in activation email for user it will show password is: sdaf3
  8. Ok, I tried stripe or square , but it doesn't support Poland yet, I also don't want to use Braintree as it is paypal, and I need any independent payment gateway. Seems like I need to use non merchants like PayU.
  9. I would like to accepts credit cards payments, as far as I understand this, I must enable "Credit Card" in "Accepted Payment Types" in blesta, then activate any merchant payment gateway and configure it, right?
  10. Yeah changing domain did module works fine.
  11. Payza is now using payza.eu domain, and blesta module use payza.com which is unavailable, is it just matter of replacing payza.com to payza.eu in all files?
  12. My updates expired May 06, 2019, can I update to 4.5.2 which was released in Apr 04?
  13. qba82

    Mass mailer stuck

    Ok, after some time it go further and finished task.
  14. Ok thanks for answer, I thought it is croned every 5min, invoice was created in next day.
  15. Hi, let's assume that my client have 8 days before renewal service, in settings I have set "Invoice Days Before Renewal" to 5 days, now I changed "Invoice Days Before Renewal" to 14 days, question is: when client will be invoiced? I thought he will be invoiced immediately, but he is not.
  16. qba82

    Mass mailer stuck

    Hi, I just wanted to send mass mail first time, and it is stuck in 1/3 way, where I can check its progress or any logs?
  17. Yes, You edit article with Youtube, make any changes You need, save, and there is no Youtube video.
  18. When You create Knowledge Base article with Youtube tutorial and save it, it works fine. Problem is when You want edit that article, Youtube tutorial disappear.
  19. Thans Paul
  20. Hi, in blesta 4.3.2 , if client will upgrade his plan (DirectAdmin module), he will be invoiced for a difference between current, and new plan, his plan is also instantly set to new on server and he get higher resources, but if he don't pay for an invoice, he is not getting suspended after over due, is it a bug or I must set it somewhere?
  21. OK thanks Paul, I hope it will be it, I'll check it after blesta upgrade.
  22. Ok I probably found when coupons become bugged - it probably happens when new month is starting.
  23. Hi guys, this problem with coupons just happen again, all coupons doesn't work, I replaced most of them with new one, but I keep one so You can check Your self that there is a problem. I can give access to test account and to bugged coupon, so someone from staff can check it himself.
  24. qba82

    Removing A Package

    Is there already any solution for this? I must delete package, but I can't (see my above post), and I can't make it inactive because server is offline. Can anybody point me where is post about deleting it in phpmyadmin?
  25. Coupon was for 30% off for first period (1 year) in dollars. It happens in order form. I can't tell You how to duplicate it, because I don't know what trigger it, but it appeared after some time, while I didn't do anything in blesta , so it must be cron.
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