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Everything posted by EMar

  1. I keep runnin into a brick wall. I'm actually searching google for "add links to blesta menu." and "create new pages in blesta" I know you have a cms out now, but there are plenty people out there that might only want blesta, That leaves a lot to the imagination in terms of theming the whole thing, and customizing it, adding pages, and links in the nav for those pages etc etc. I think a lot of people would prefer if there was an easier way to add new pages, and links to the nav menu for those pages. I'm kind of at the stage where I want to add new pages, links, but I'd have to dive into the code to get it done, right? Just my opinion, it would make it better for everyone, and potential customers. So we have 3 options, buy that admin tools, buy the cms, or dive into the code. Wel l4 if you find a theme that has all those features included. But we can't do it from a plugin in blesta itself. Have you thought about combining the cms with blesta as one product.
  2. Not sure how to add this, there will be occasions where clients have their own domain when signing up, and others won't. If I remove the Validate Hostname, will this info be used as their username for the account or what? whatever they enter. There has to be some kind of info box there to explain to some users what they can do if they don't have a domain name.
  3. Hey, How would you add an info box below the Hostname title in the checkout form, when renting a new package, I'd like to put an info box that informs new clients that they can contact us to have an account created if they don't have their own domain name. I see the text in components/modules/centovacast/language/en_us/centovacast.php I can change the title text for Hostname to something else but it changed the text in the field also. Or how do other hosts handle this if someone doesn't have a domain of their own?
  4. ok
  5. Well the sooner someone actually creates a bridge the sooner others can do the integration. Not every single person that wants to use blesta will know how to do their own integration. It's kind of like building 4 walls and telling someone now go live in your new home.
  6. Sorry I meant in the order form during the checkout process, When a new user is creating a stream account, they have to fill in the Hostname field. If they don't then it will say you need to enter a valid hostname. But what if they don't have a domain name of their own, I'm just wondering could I inform them to use my domain name, Or is it they just can't create a stream account unless they have their own domain?
  7. Hey I'm a bit confused about this Hostname option, I think Paul helped me connect to a Centova server, we created the account manually. Creating an account manually in Blesta, with Use Centova Cast Module box ticked. Hostname What if someone doesn't have their own domain name, what would they enter for Hostname? Should there be a notice beside the Hostname field explaining to new customers what they should enter? Or if they didn't have their own domain name, what they could enter. (our domain for example) My blesta is installed at clients.domain.com which is on a separate server to the root domain.com domain.com is hosted on a cPanel account. and this is the main website domain for my stream service. If I enter domain.com as the hostname when creating an account manually, When the account is created in Blesta, it always has the username of the cPanel account for domain.com It's kind of hard to explain without a few examples really.
  8. I dunno, if I just link to blesta from the wp menu then it's opening blesta separate to wp, it's not an integration?
  9. Ahh I don't think I'll be reverting back to joomla for this project. A few bridges for different cms would be handy, wp, joomla etc.
  10. Domain.com is where my main site is at (wordpress) I created a page in wp "Stream Hosting" and a menu link, added the iframe to that page, then added the main link to my blesta install there: clients.domain.com On the wordpress home page I have 4 pricing tables representing 4 hosting plans in blesta, so I created 4 more pages in wp and added the same iframe to each page. I then used the links for those 4 hosting plans in blesta, in the iframes I created in wp for each of those pages, so my pricing tables order now buttons go to wordpress pages where the iframes display each plan in blesta. But I think I'd have to remove the top logo in blesta for this to look right in the iframe, as wordpress already has its own header and footer areas, widgets etc.
  11. Yes that's kind of what I've done, maindomain.com is on one server, using wordpress on that. Created a subdomain: clients.maindomain.com and pointed that to the server where blesta is hosted, in the root directory. I have wordpress at maindomain.com so I guess I'm thinking about integration using the iframe, for now, which looks fine, But I probably need to take out the logo and top logins if blesta is loading inside an iframe, on a wordpress page right? I just put a link in the wordpress top nav menu "billing" which links to the page where blesta is embed using iframe. So if you created links in wordpress menu to other pages in blesta, you might need to create other pages in wordpress with iframes for those blesta pages? Otherwise it will link directly to the blesta install rather than displaying blesta in an iframe in your wordpress page.. what am I on about. Is there any docs or guides on the best way to integrate it?
  12. Ok so basically I need either your cms or admin tools to add new pages, menu links etc. build everything from scratch in html/css. You know there are probably a lot of people out there that don't want to or can't build a complete theme around blesta. I tested an old version of admin tools on github but I didn't see any option to create new menu links for newly created pages. I tried that wordpress integration last night, just with the iframe, it looks ok actually, but the blesta logo and logins are there in the iframe.. And that has me thinking, I'd still have to theme blesta just encase someone found the blesta install, instead of loading it through my wordpress site. But I get the idea that I'm not advertising the blesta install, if it's installed through a cms like wordpress, you'd advertise the wp site with seo. I'm kind of stuck at deciding which way to theme all this. If you were adding links for blesta into wordpress menus for example, wordpress won't be loading blesta in an iframe will it, it will be loading your blesta install, in my case, that's on a separate subdomain, clients.site.com
  13. Ah ok, I have the blesta files to the root, no sub directory.
  14. Hey nice theme, I have blesta files uploaded at the root directory, where I uploaded the html files for this theme, all in /home/user/public_html So there are now two index files in the root directory, the blesta index.php and the lutfi theme index.html. Anyway I disabled the portal plugin and enabled lutfi theme, this is what I end up with: If I disable the blesta index.php the theme looks as it should, the html files work, but without blesta menu etc. If I just enable the theme and portal plugin, the logo doesn't appear and the menu doesn't work correctly. What's the right way to get this theme and its demo html files working correctly with blesta?
  15. Mainly from the client's perspective, I may just do a header and footer for now, but I'd like to try customize the theme. I was thinking maybe the main order page could be horizontal blocks similar to the blocks on the front page, But the default order page looks neat the way it is, vertical, I just don't have many packages to fill that page yet. It might be good for some people to have the option to choose a few different styles for the order page. I'll try mess around with the code, or I may have to buy a custom theme.
  16. Is there any easy way to customize the layout and design of the order form pages or do I have to create custom code, new templates? Would be handy if there were a few settings to pick different designs like you can with the add package feature.
  17. Yes exactly, it's probably something I have misconfigured.
  18. Yes that's where I'm at Settings > Company > Modules > CentovaCast (Manage)
  19. Hi, The package is linked to the Centova module yes, and I created a server group, I don't have any server in that group yet, as I can't get it to connect to the server. Maybe that's why I'm seeing the module row error, no server connected to finish the checkout process. Anyone want to take a look at my server setup, maybe I need to create another hostname or something.
  20. Trying to connect a server with no luck, is it the root server login or the admin panel login for centova? I have the server IP whitelisted. My trial will end soon and I haven't tested it properly yet. On testing the checkout process: An internal error occurred. The module row is unavailable.
  21. What do you mean Gosu? I fixed the problem just after posting here, it was a setting in order system (Default Order Form)
  22. Sorry delete this
  23. Ok, I just thought the password would be part of the form as the account was being added manually.
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