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  1. Has anyone done the WordPress & Blesta integration using an iframe, I know iframes are kind of nasty, but that's the quickest way. I have Blesta on a separate server to my main site. Used Advanced iframe plugin for Wordpress. I managed to get the iframe working, kind of, Although, it won't resize to the content on the order summary pages. There's an option in the plugin to enable scroll and that works on the order pages but there's two scroll bars and that just looks untidy, unprofessional. I think the problem is that effect on the order pages, Where the left side scrolls but the right side where the cart block is, that stays on top. The continue button comes up under the empty cart button. If I could disable or remove this effect, I think the content would fit in the iframe. Any ideas?
  2. Hi, Just thought I'd reopen this topic, as the other posts about new plugins, integrations etc. ended around 2015. It's been a while, I use to rent my Blesta license but that was just for testing, I wanted an owned license eventually. I've read some old posts, people recommending the best way to do this integration is to use an iframe in Wordpress. What's your suggestions on the best way to set all this up? is there a guide or is it just a case of adding an iframe to a WP page or pages? I think I won't be allowing anybody to login to my Wordpress site, it's for front-end display purposes, Wordpress registrations are disabled. And I now have an owned Blesta license hosted on a separate server. If I remember correctly, I had a different page in Wordpress for each plan in Blesta, when a user clicked Order on the front page of Wordpress, they were taken to a wordpress page for that Blesta plan that was embedded with an iframe, not sure exactly if this was the nicest approach. I had some trouble getting the Blesta pages to fit properly into workpress pages, even when expanding the width and height of the iframe. It just didn't turn out how I imagined it might look. It would have worked for orders but it didn't look very professional to me. Also not sure how I'd get Blesta looking anything like my Wordpress theme. Right now I'm using the Bootstrap theme that came with Blesta. I thought about buying a theme/template to change the look of Blesta but maybe I don't really need to, the bootstrap theme in Blesta is clean. Have packages, order forms, payment gateway etc. done in Blesta, I haven't customized the look very much, it's not looking ready for biz yet. Eventually, when Bleasta is ready, I'd like to buy addon companies/domains and use the same instance of Blesta for my other hosting website. I have one website where we'll offer stream hosting services, and another website that's offering stream and web hosting services, domains etc. Any info appreciated.
  3. Hi, There use to be some documentation for Blesta CMS at this website are there any other docs? I installed Blesta CMS because it seemed easier to add new menu links and pages than editing code. I downloaded Blesta CMS from Github: https://github.com/BlestaStore/BlestaCMS-Community-Edition Used this video tutorial to install Blesta CMS, but I didn't add any links to the menu through structure.pdt app/views/bootstrap/structure.pdt I haven't deleted the default cms plugin folder yet, I now have a new folder for in plugins for blesta_cms I did the page and menu under the new Blesta CMS section in the admin menu. Then went to settings > look and feel and added an action for the page I created with Blesta CMS editor. Seems to work but I'm not sure if it's the correct way to get links to the nav menu, in most guides they add code in structure.pdt. -- In the new Blesta CMS, when editing a page, the content section doesn't have any editor, would be nice if it had WYSIWYG editor. Also, at the top of the page I created with Blesta CMS, it says "My Account" where do you change this for each page you create? Thanks
  4. Ok thanks I understand, I'll check over the sandbox info.
  5. So blesta won't pass a payment from a paypal sandbox user, unless I activate it manually?
  6. For Invoice and Charge Options, Allow Clients to Change Service Terms & Allow Clients to Change Service Package are both ticked. Same for Client Groups. As I used a paypal sandbox user to makle the order, I think there was as option to set it to use paypal funds. That account is listed as over due now and suspended, with the pay past due button still there at the top. So what do I do now, pay the over due balance with the same sandbox user? to see if the user sees the other service options? It's still gonna go into pending if I remember correctly from the last time. EDIT Ok I went to clients account and just unsuspeded the account to see the other settings, loginned in as text sandbox user. It still shows that Outstanding Balance message up top. I see the extra services now, in the client's panel, under Services, for the package they rented > click Manage. Two Actions: Change Package & Change Terms, cool.. When I click change Terms.. what's the story here.. Packages cannot be changed until all invoices for this service have been paid. Current Service Package WHMSonic - Live Stream - 50 Listeners - Shoutcast v2 Billing Cycle 1 Month Recurring Amount 1x $3.55 USD Updated Service Package WHMSonic - Live Stream - 50 Listeners - Shoutcast v2 Billing Cycle 2 Months Recurring Amount 1x $5.55 USD Subtotal: $-0.55 USD Total: $-0.55 USD
  7. Sorry guys I can't work with this, waiting all weekend for help with somethig that could take 5 mins to fix. I've followed your instructions and set all my packages up under one group, so renters could upgrade or downgrade between plans. There is no options in the client panel to switch between plans, after maually activating the test user's acount. I can't even get past testing it with paypal sandbox. Getting stressed out.
  8. The payment showed up as pending. I then activated it manually to create the whmsonic stream. Continuation..
  9. It showed up as pending for the new client and in staff backend. The paypal ipn was disabled for some other reason, probably another site I'm using with same paypal. My understanding is this path doesn't have to exist in Blesta /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard So I enabled IPN in paypal with Notification URL https://mysite.it/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard I dunno what's happening after that, seems the right url? The payment showed up as pending. In the end I just clicked activate to see if it would create the account on the whmsonic server and it did.
  10. Thanks for verifying Gosu
  11. I set up a few monthly live stream rentals with the whmsonic module. Used the business sandbox user billing-facilitator@site.it in the paypal module settings, username, password, signature for the sandbox seller. Made a test purchase with my paypal sandbox user dave1@mail.com Picked a plan, signed up and made sandbox payment, then clicked back to merchant. Logged in as test user (sandbox) clicked on Dashboard and see this message Welcome back, dave! Your account has an outstanding balance of $3.55 USD, of which $3.55 USD is past due. Please make a payment at your earliest convenience. Invoices Open 1 Closed 0 Make Payment Invoice # Amount Paid Due Date Billed Date Due Options 1 $3.55 USD $0.00 USD $3.55 USD Jan 13, 2019 Jan 13, 2019 Under Services it looks like the account is pending in the client panel and admin area, The new whmsonic account info is there too, but cannot login to the new stream account, it's not created on the server yet.. Do I have to activate the account manually before it's provioned/created off the server? Why would I have to activate the account manually if it's already paid for? Will this happen every time someone places an order with a real paypal account? Any help appreciated. EDIT Just to add, I went ahead and activated the pending account and it was created successfully from the server. So what's going on with the invoice message above, which is still displaying in the client's panel.. Your account has an outstanding balance of $3.55 USD, of which $3.55 USD is past due. Please make a payment at your earliest convenience.
  12. Hi, Looking at this guide about Paypal Payments Standard module: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/PayPal+Payments+Standard When adding a notification url for Paypal IPN, I don't see any directory in Blesta for callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard Do I still just add: Notification URL https://clients.store.com/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard
  13. Fair enough, I need to find a header and footer theme and add a few images and links. I did notice if AJAX Slider, AJAX Boxes or AJAX List are enabled, a non logged in user sees the payment options. I thought that would be the same case for the wizard list.
  14. I fixed the paypal standard and stripe modules, yes think it was the fraud protection, I only tryed the checkout while logged in as a test user, credited the test user so I could rent a stream. But still need to test paypal module with a real payment. When I tested it with a paypal sandbox account, I only logged in and the account was provisioned, dunno anything more. While I'm here, I thought a logged out user would still get to see and choose a payment option during the checkout. But I guess they don't se any payment options to select until they are logged in and go through the checkout. Well I'm I better go make a footer for my links and logos.
  15. Has anyone done this? I need to figure this out. I need instructions on creating extra addon services for the centova cast module. Like if a customer rented a 50 listener stream, they could upgrade it to 100 or 200 listeners. If they had an autodj stream, could add on extra listeners or extra storage. From creating packages to what groups they should be added to etc etc. The client should be able to select these extra services in the backend and it will be added to their existing account, including any extra charges etc. Some easy documentation would be nice.
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