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Everything posted by sv-hosting

  1. Does anyone have a payment gateway or can make a payment gateway for quickpay.net? I need it for "mobilepay"
  2. Anyone?
  3. Hi Blesta Forums. I have a huge problem and it needs to get fixed quick. My question/problem is, every time user that already is registrered on the website on blesta purchase a new game server their account on TcAdmin changes to a new generated password, is there a way to disable this so they have the password they started with by the first product (or their custom password they have changed)? I get a lot of support tickets and phone calls about this.. Anyone who knows a fix?
  4. Everything is "success" |AddPendingSetup a:1:{s:7:"results";a:5:{s:10:"returncode";s:1:"0";s:10:"returntext";s:8:"LukasTho";s:9:"errorcode";s:1:"0";s:9:"errortext";a:0:{}s:6:"taskid";s:3:"108";}}
  5. Hi Blesta Forums. Why is it the cron job ive set to run every 5 minute isnt setting up the game servers for tcadmin?
  6. Good deal, good luck with the sales!
  7. TcAdmin aint working. Its creating the user but not the server, what to do.
  8. And all the ports is opened on our test server
  9. There is nothing with the firewall, the firewall is completely disabled cause i thought that too but that isnt the case.
  10. Im trying to uninstall it quick, ill let u know in 2 mins if it works by reinstalling
  11. https://gyazo.com/642b96416051dec9e7bc0247b33f930a I have tried with SSL on and off. (Its not the final host machine, this is our test machine so it doesnt affect the customers)
  12. Firewall is disabled and the server is in a group
  13. Hello, Why is there no supported servers in here? https://gyazo.com/e73a5ffb19a0f56ee2def83f2000cb1e I have installed the server in the extension.
  14. Hello, Why is there no supported servers in here? https://gyazo.com/e73a5ffb19a0f56ee2def83f2000cb1e I have installed the server in the extension.
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