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Everything posted by espservices

  1. espservices


    Is the PHPIDS plugin fully compatible with latest version of Blesta (4.2.2), MariaDB 10.1 and PHP 7.1? Also I notice that the website phpids.org is "dead", so is this plugin being mantained and updated?
  2. Thank you for your effort to explain... but I still don't get the logic behind it. Maybe someone else can please explain this to me in a different way?
  3. So lets see if I understand: I can have my man email address setup on my desktop where I receive all emails. But on my phone I can have just the mobile mail setup and decide to just receive tickets on mobile phone. That way when Im on the road I just receive tickets emails, correct? So is the only purpose/objective of the mobile email to allow me to decide exactly what notifications I receive on my mobile phone?
  4. Now I'm starting to understand. But I cannot see the login behind it. I have my main email setup both on my desktop and on my phone. In what use cases is the mobile mail useful? Can you give some examples?
  5. Thanks again! I see that. But in what specific cases is the mobile email used? Should I set a standard email to use when I'm on my desktop and the mobile email on my phone when Im on the road? Sorry but I really don't understand and cannot find anything about this on the docs.
  6. Thanks again for the explanation... but I still don't understand. What mobile account? Can anyone please explain to me?
  7. No one with a computer connected to the internet can say with 100% certain that is not hacked/compromised. Myself as an admin I try to be as safe as possible. For example, I have a separate computer just to generate 2FA codes and some other specific security stuff. Normally I never generate 2FA codes on my day-by-day computer. But the main problem are the clients that don't have the same knowledge on security. On services like Gmail and many others, the 2FA QR and text code are only visible after click on a button. This is to ensure that if a computer is compromised in a way that the hacker can take screenhots he would not get the 2FA codes. Let's take as an example a client that logins Blesta on a friend computer and he goes to his account details menu. If this computer is compromised by a hack the let's take screenshots, the hacker will gain access to the 2FA codes. So as per my suggestion, the there should it be a button with something like show/hide the 2FA codes. I don't know why is it hard to agree. From my point of view It's a simple design change that will keep 2FA security codes much safer by showing them only when user really need.
  8. Thanks fr the explanation... but Im still confused. On what cases is mobile email template used?
  9. Hi, Regarding 2FA on Blesta I have 2 suggestions that I leave bellow. What do you guy's think? 1- On both admin and client view, when browsing to the 2FA menu/page it always shows the 2FA QR code and also the alternative text code. From my point of view this can b considered as a security flaw, because if we browse to that page on a hacked computer, the hacker can take a screenshot of the page and get the 2FA access. My suggestion here would be hide by default the 2FA QR code + text code and to see it we would have to click on a button with a dropdown menu that says: Show/Hide 2FA. This way we can keep 2FA info safe even browsing to the page. This is specially important for clients that use Blesta on different computers. 2- To enable 2FA we need to also type the password. But to disable 2FA not password is needed. Any special reason for ths? I think it would be a lot more secure if password is also required to disable 2FA. So what do you guy's think? Are this valid suggestions? Any other opinion on how Blesta handles 2FA?
  10. Hi, I noticed that Blesta has some email templates that say mobile as for example: Staff Ticket Updated (Mobile) Sorry for the "stupid" and newbie question, but in what cases are this templates used? Thanks
  11. Can I ask you why do you use both the {ticket.code} and also {ticket_hash_code} on the subject? From my understanding for correct piping only {ticket_hash_code} is needed and it already includes the ticket code. So is just the way you like? Or is there any special reason? Thanks
  12. The same exact scenario happens to be. I mean, it works as it is, but I have 3 departments and it would be nice for the client first ticket automatic reply to come from the department own email. It sems staff receives the email from the correct department... but client wont. Did you find a solution?
  13. Im in the process of setting up Blesta for the first time and having client identification (name, company, phone) is a very needed feature, specially when on the road just with mobile phone. The way it is now it's impossible to identify the client that opened the ticket. Is any of the bellow tags avaiable on Staff email templates? If not can Blesta team please consider add them in a near future? Client Name Client Company Client Main Phone Also I tryied to use the: {ticket.email} tag to at least identify the client email, but it shows blank. Can't {ticket.email} tag be used on staff email template to identify client email address? Thanks
  14. In my case the dialog box was not showing at all. To fix it I jsut followed the Blesta.Store recommendation: Open: /plugins/support_manager/views/default/css/styles.css Find: #ticket_actions change position from fixed to absolute After this fix was made, the dialog box shows properly and all is ok.
  15. In my case, CSS change fixed the issue. And because I have just started to use Blesta a few days ago, I just have 1 test client. So in my case all tickets where from the same and only client. Can you confirm the bug from your end in order for me not to have to manually change this on future updates? Thanks
  16. I read on this forum that Blesta is lacking some important features in terms of domain selling/managment and that tgey are working on it. I think I read that they will release a new plugin during this year. So taking in account the new domain plugin that Blesta team will release, with what domain reseller providers will this new plugin be compatible? I prefer to use now a plugin that will be future proof compatible with Blesta new domain update.
  17. Im using MariaDB 10.1 with Blesta and all seems to be working properly. But maybe someone from Blesta team can confirm this?
  18. Im a newbie at selling domains (never done it before). Can you please clarify me if Logiboxes is used and compatible with multiple domain registrar? Any list available? Also regarding Namecheap, I'm usng them at the moment for some personal domains and like the overall service and prices. But I don't see on their website any kind of domain reseller program. Also one final question, what plugin do you use with namecheap?
  19. Sorry for my language... but WTF! After reading the description of your plugin, it makes the Blesta build-in plugin seem as handicapped... Is your plugin fully comaptible with PHP 7.1 + MariaDB 10.1? Thanks
  20. I see that Blesta already has a Logicboxes plugin build-in, correct? What are the advantages of using the Loginboxes 3rd party plugin by @Blesta Addons ?
  21. Great plugin and with the new update we will be able to use it again! If possible please make sure the new update is 100% compatible with PHP 7.1 + MariaDB 10.1.
  22. Hi all, Just starting to use Blesta and want to sell domains and also SSL certificates. I see that Blesta already have some build-in plugins for this and I also see on the marketplace some other plugins. I don't have any special preference on a Domain Reseller company. I just want the one where the integration works flawless with Blesta. Thanks
  23. Yep, I had to change the CSS as you said for the menu to show. Thanks! Do you know if there is already a open bug on Blesta development for this?
  24. Can't find that option. Can you please tell me step my step or in what exact menu can I do that? Thanks
  25. Are you a lawyer specialized on this topic? Because I'm not... but already talked with people that are and Im not going to take and risks. You can interpret the law as you wish and you can then deal with the consequences.
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