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Everything posted by espservices

  1. pt_pt is my native language. if you need any help with it, just ask. in terms of the market here for blesta, do not know. but there are a lot of Portuguese around the world, including many African countries. Hope you can consider add it. Thanks!
  2. Hi, On the Knowledge base , how can I disable the thumbs-up/down feature? I do not find any option on the admin panel. Maybe by editing some file? Thanks!
  3. Hi, The new language system with all the new languages seems great! I noticed you added Português, BR (pt_br) that is a lot different than Português from Portugal (pt_pt). Do you plan do add pt_pt language? It would be great.. after all pt_pt is the original Português Thanks
  4. Hi @Paul Thanks for the information. Please try to have the new feature https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-5111 ready on 5.11. It's very important for us. Every time an update happens its a mess with custom language updates. Without that new feature we will be forced to stop using Blesta. Thanks
  5. Hi, I have added some edited language string lines on /language/pt_br/_custom.php file, but the changes do not work (don’t show). Example, I added the below string on the _custom.php file as you can see on the image attach. $lang['ClientLogin.index.description'] = 'Teste String.'; But nothing changes. If I change directly the file client_login.php it works. What do I need to do for the lines I add on _custom.php to work? Im using Blesta v5.10.1 Thanks
  6. Also looking for the same thing. Think will try the one from Netim: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/193-Netim Registrar module Anyone else using the Netim module? If yes, any feedback? Thanks
  7. Does Blesta team regular updates the https://translate.blesta.com/ with the new language pack everytime a new version is released? I want to start using Blesta and at https://translate.blesta.com/ the language I want to use its 61% completed. I'm willing to translate the remaining, but I need to be sure it's already the latest v4.5.2 pack and that every time a new Blesta version is released Blesta team updates the language files. Thanks
  8. Hey all, Is Blesta latest version v4.4.0 already 100% compatible/compliant with EU invoices? Or there is still work to be done on this? I'm located in Euope so I need a billing system that can worh according to EU laws and taxes. Thanks
  9. Any update on this from Blesta team? The initial reply email when a client opens a new ticket should be from the department where the ticket was open. The behaviour should be the same as WHMCS does / works.
  10. Any update on this from Blesta team? The issue with same client not able to use the same email as username is keeping me out from buying the multi-company add-on. I really need this, so I can have the same clients, on separate brands. Thanks
  11. GDPR is comming very soon. Does Blesta dev team has any further update on this? The law comes into effect 25 May, so can Blesta team ensure us that before that date Blesta will meet and be compliant with GDPR? Because if not, any provider using Blesta will be unable to sell services to companies located in Europe. When I mean unable, I know it's possible, but it will break the law. I'm not here to discuss if people agree on GDPR or not. The only thing I can say is that is a very serious law and the fines and penalties are very hard! Also it's very hard to be compliant. So I please request Blesta team to dedicate the time needed to do this right. Besides this, keep up the good work. Blesta is great!
  12. Thaks dor the advise! Will ask if my telecom provider has that feature. That use case scenario is the one that closest meet my needs.
  13. Take the time as you need to do it right! I prefer to wait rather than have a "buggy" version. Keep up the good work and continue to value quality over speed!
  14. Yes, I was using Google Chrome. Glad to see you fix the issue!
  15. Happy to hear that and hope to see it soon!
  16. Im just a newbie starting to using Blesta and expresing my opinions. Im not telling my solution is the right one.
  17. Thanks for the suggestion. About the ability to order items that are not services, probavbby yes is the case. But that is up to your team to decide the best way to do it. For me at least and I think that for many freelancers having the ability for a client to buy hours of work in advance would be really great!
  18. Are you suggesting that for clients or admin? Anyway I think it's a simple change that your team can apply on a future update.
  19. Thanks for the info. Can you please consider on a future Blesta update to allow distinction between admin and clients? This is very usefull since in most cases the admins would require more session time than clients. I speak for myself where I want for admin Blesta session to be at least 8 hours, that is my normal work day. But clients should required less session time, since it's not needed and they care a lot less about security, accessing Blesta sometimes using public/friends computers, etc..
  20. Yes, because at the moment for hourly i'm using the one-time option. Having hourly option would be great. My use case is very usefull for consultancy services, where clients should be allow to buy using Blesta.
  21. Looking forward! Keep up the good work!
  22. Hi @PauloV Is this fully working with Blesta v4.2.2 + PHP 7.1 + MariaDB 10.1? Also I see you return back to the forum recently, so I just wanted to know if you are planing any update on this plugin? If yes, any timeframe? Thanks and keep up the good work!
  23. After checking, OpenSRS is the one that has all the TLDs I need. So I will use them. What plugin do you use with them? Logicboxes? Thanks!
  24. Im using 4.2.2. Are these options already on the config file? Whats the best way to increase the session time limit for both admin and clients? Thanks!
  25. Hi all, I'm starting to use Blesta and getting to know how the packages and forms work. I think I have already understand in overall how in works. But I have doubts on the best way to setup a order form to bill clients hourly per consulting services. I need hourly, daily, weekly and monthly packages as I leave bellow. The most common use will be clients ordering some hours or days depending on the work needed. Clients must be able to order 3 hours or 2 days for example. 1 Hour – 5 € 1 Day – 40 € 1 Week – 150 € 1 Month – 500 € I have been messing around but the way I'm making the hourly shows as "One-Time" and does not allow to select more than 1 hour. Can anyone please help me on this? What's the best way do do this? Thanks!
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