Hi I've been thinking about something for some time. What would be the difference buying from blesta directly or blesta.store in the case of an owned license.
From blesta I can see the price for an owned branded license is 300 usd while blesta store is just 180. 120 usd isn't much but as a business that's a fantastic 40 % discount and would not be smart to ignore it.
In addition to that, I noticed that while blesta officially allows u to buy a year's worth if updates for $39,but blesta store has no info regarding that. Is that a catch? Meaning if I buy a blesta store license, after one year, I will not be able to purchase a year's worth of updates?
Finally, in the sudden unexpected event of blesta.store going bust, or disagreeing with blesta itself, or well, maybe even the death of blesta store owners, what would happen to my license purchased at blesta store? Will it still be valid? I can see blesta.store being the cheapest provider out there and it is slightly possible they might be running blesta store at a lost ( when it comes to blesta licenses), in order to gain a client base for potential blesta cms buyers.
Thank you for your time reading this post and I would like to state that I wish blesta store owners the best of health and a long life.