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Everything posted by Lampard

  1. I saw logs of PerfectMoney payment gateway and saw that there is an error in callback.
  2. All other payment gateways are working fine.
  3. Thats happening since they released the beta version of it, i don't know type of stable build they released that it has same bug which i reported in other thread. It also happened to me, it never marked the invoice as paid when someone pays via PerfectMoney.
  4. Minimum allowed is 0.68630057 LTC
  5. Better to have built-in one.
  6. Actually i have got some Litecoins, now the hard thing is to find exchangers. I do not invest a lot due to risk, so i have actually around $25 at Litecoin which is around 0.3 Litecoin. Now i cannot find any exchangers to convert it into bitcoin. Most of them have minimum limit to exchange for 0.7 Litecoin, or more.
  7. Not really necessary to be complex, the simpler one would be to ping the server simply. You can add in settings to add what to monitor etc, so we will be able to add up website address or IP to monitor. And yes, it must be with the widget. Some features such as email on downtime would be really perfect since most people use Uptime Monitor,, so they would not have to use them since Blesta would do the work for them. If you wanna make more complex and better than competitiors, then adding stats, graphs to show up time will be perfect, and so goes for weekly, monthly uptime.
  8. Click on update will be really nice, since uploading an addon is very long work
  9. Hello, What about adding a simple server status in client area? It will be better to have it as a built-in feature, and even the competitor has it.
  10. Ethereum, Litecoin. Bitcoin will not go down so quickly, it will even go higher than $12,000
  11. Again another payment method but can't see any progress on the main thing that is pending since more than two years and also claimed that they would release beta in Blesta 4.1. I wonder how these payment methods are important to any one of the person using Blesta when it is missing the most important part of a billing system, domain manager. So called "The Billing Platform for Hosting Providers".
  12. It is basically a detailed statistics, it will just list down the clients with packages, such as the list of clients with Hosting package etc. list of clients with .com domain.
  13. In the same stats module...
  14. One more suggestion: It would be more good if we could see the list of the clients with specific packages too, (clients name)
  15. It doesn't seem to work. When i check out, it shows a blank page, happens only to WHMPHP module orders.
  16. Finally! i was really waiting for it. How can i pay via Skrill or Bitcoin?
  17. Yes, Blesta Addons is doing the work that should be done by Blesta developers.
  18. Services Count and it also includes specific package and package groups The month with highest revenue Total sales of each product The best selling product (count from activated products) Also you are doing a really great job which Blesta Developers should have actually done officially. Keep it up!
  19. Just being honest, why would this need to be sponsored? I wouldn't mind this getting sponsored if it was an extra feature not necessary. This feature is VERY important and unfortunately we see no interest from Blesta Developers. And monthly updates, i see nothing special in it. Its more like fixing three or four bugs and releasing just to show off that we update every month which has no significant change.
  20. Or i would just wait for @Blesta Addons since it will be released this week
  21. Hello, I tried to make the clone of cPanel work, however the cpanel clone is for reseller, it is not that automated since i use WHMPHP, i just need the cPanel account to be created automatically by cPanel Module and upgrade it manually from WHMPHP, so some modifications i did to make the cPanel Clone: Since i was not able to post the whole code due to some problems in IPB, i have attached the cpanel clone zip file. The problem: Paid Pending Provision cron stops working randomly, like works good whole day but stops at some point for no reason. Then it again starts working randomly. I have also removed all pending services which has cpanel clone module but still facing the problem, can anyone tell me whats the problem in code? cpanelresell.zip
  22. Yes, which was requested by many users here before.
  23. Okay, just tested it. This is actually buggy, a client paid and it did not mark the invoice as paid.
  24. Not just domain management but other things such as modules for reseller hosting companies.
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