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Everything posted by Denroc

  1. Right so I tried the fix today but under 'username' that I mentioned above. I created a user called UpperMe and the account created successfully automatically and under the services menu showed Username upperme I changed line 1230 in /components/modules/direct_admin/direct_admin_php from 'username' => isset($vars['direct_admin_username']) ? $vars['direct_admin_username'] : null, to 'username' => isset($vars['direct_admin_username']) ? strtolower($vars['direct_admin_username']) : null, and NOT 'direct_admin_domain' as suggested by @Blesta Addons above.
  2. Why are we changing the 'domain' to lower? shouldn't it be this line? 'username' => isset($vars['direct_admin_username']) ? $vars['direct_admin_username']: null,
  3. Thanks for that I will apply fix tonight. Will the da username in the welcome service email show the correct lowercase one or the uppercase one if a customer enters it?
  4. Is this likely to be fixed? I use da on all my servers so if not I will have to use and alternative billing solution.
  5. Hi a:3:{s:5:"error";s:1:"1";s:4:"text";s:25:"Error Creating User Marks";s:7:"details";s:64:"<b>Please use all lower case characters in the username</b><br> ";}
  6. Yep found this https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=1203 https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=1292
  7. Hello I'm currently trialing blesta on directadmin and notice if the user enters a directadmin username with uppercase characters in it the service is set to pending in blesta after changing the username to all lowercase so directadmin accepts it the service is then created is there a way around this?
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