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Everything posted by wmac

  1. I did not test yet but I found out the uploads directory was not configured in the system, now it is and it is writable, I will check on the first invoice generated
  2. When clicking on view invoice it returns error TCPDF ERROR: [Image] No such file or directory in I believe that is directory permission but I don't know each one.
  3. wmac

    WHMCS Migration errors

    Thank you, Paul, as I am putting this in production I am using version 4.0.1, I have the 4.1 beta download already but has not been released for production yet. If it is I will upgrade.
  4. wmac

    Hiden Packages

    @gosuhost tank you, it worked fine We can close this one
  5. wmac

    Hiden Packages

    Thank you very much, I will try this is what I was looking for
  6. wmac

    Hiden Packages

    Thanks for the hint but I still need to make the order forms to get the URL to inform on the forums for that promotion without it customers can not access, I am still learning WHMCS works differently.
  7. wmac

    Hiden Packages

    Sorry for my questions but I am an NB on Blesta, the issue is I can not create hidden packages in Blesta I have a lot of hidden packages on WHMCS and when I do promotions I inform the customers the URL for each package, so normally they are not publicly displayed. I tried to do a restricted package and copy and paste its URL but did not work, is there any workaround to do this. Thanks
  8. Using the import module and debug enabled got the following error: Array ( => Array ( [format] => Please enter a valid email address. ) ) so following the instructions replace the Input.php with this line in isEmail public static function isEmail($str, $check_record = true) { return true; } now the email address was corrected but now have a new error as an invalid userID I have researched but could not find a fix for that, let me know if somebody has. thanks
  9. wmac

    Migrating Virtualizor

    Ok, most of the information was migrating by the Import Manager plugin, what I did was create the packages identical to the Virtualizor ones and when import use the package map to do it, it worked and the control panel tab and option appear at the client and admin area as well, but it did not migrate the VPS ID so can not bring the information from the Virtualizor server next step will test the migration with the ID
  10. wmac

    Migrating Virtualizor

    Yes it adds to the universal module
  11. wmac

    Migrating Virtualizor

    no, I did not
  12. wmac

    Migrating Virtualizor

    Hi all, I am migrating from WHMCS to Blesta and got stuck in migrating Virtualizor, once we work with this CP in WHMCS, does anybody has anything to share, I can not make the existing customers connect to the VIrtualizor control panel however if I create a new customer the module will provision and customer will have the CP.
  13. wmac

    Installation error

    Here they are: vi /etc/my.cnf and add the following lines or modify them if they exist in your installationwait_timeout=2400 connect_timeout=360restart mysqldvi /etc/php.ini and change or add the following linesmemory_limit = 512M upload_max_filesize = 512M post_max_size = 512M max_execution_time = 60restart apacheas I have the resources I used but I am sure can be lessand that is it could install, configure and migrate without any problems
  14. wmac

    Installation error

  15. wmac

    Installation error

    Yes, but I fixed that could finally install Blesta with VestaCP have to make some modification on php.ini and also some on my.cnf I would like to thank you all we can close this one as solved.
  16. wmac

    Installation error

    Update, installed VestaCP on a dedicated Centos 6.9 and got the same issue these are the PHP and mysql info: PHP 5.6.30 (cli) (built: Jan 20 2017 08:02:17) Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader (enabled) + Intrusion Protection from ioncube24.com (unconfigured) v6.1.0 (), Copyright (c) 2002-2017, by ionCube Ltd. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 33 Server version: 5.5.56 MySQL Community Server (GPL) by Remi Only Apache installed no other proxy.
  17. wmac

    Installation error

    Yes, they are installed by VestaCP
  18. wmac

    Installation error

    Some update, I could install Blesta and work well on CWP running Apache, reinstall it on VestaCP running only Apache and had the same problem in the installation process, looks like Blesta does not like VestaCP
  19. wmac

    Installation error

    I also try to install a new and clean VPS and also had the same problem
  20. wmac

    Installation error

    The mysql version that I have installed is 5.5.56 and only_full_group_ is disable, still got the same result on the installation. I am running VestaCP with niginx
  21. wmac

    Installation error

    I am trying to install Blesta and got the following error and it will not install ---------------------------------------- Blesta CLI Installer ---------------------------------------- OK Checking InnoDB support... OK Installing database... 96/96 [========================================] 100% Completed. Configuring database... 23/23 [========================================] 100% Completed. Upgrading database... 4/4 [========================================] 100% 0/0 [========================================] 100% 2/2 [========================================] 100% 0/0 [========================================] 100% 2/2 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 2/2 [========================================] 100% 2/2 [========================================] 100% 15/15 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 5/7 [============================> ] 71 %<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Blesta</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./app/views/errors/css/application.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./app/views/errors/css/font-awesome.min.css"> </head> <body> <div class="error-container"> <div class="program-error"> <div class="panel panel-default panel-simple"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> Something went wrong.</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p> Undefined index: total </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> Somebody has some workaround for this?
  22. Hi, I have the same problem but I have installed PHP mailparse extension it shows on PHP -m and PHP -i but Blesta still do not see it, I am running VestCP
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