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Everything posted by dado023

  1. i vote for Zpanel, it will become serious alternative in hosting world
  2. Tyson, as you requested, i have sent you private message with Blesta and Plesk login access info, let me know if you need anything else. Thank you in advance Dan
  3. if you want i can send you access username and pass, just let me know now i am only waiting for this to workout, otherwise whole thing becomes useless
  4. picture will say much more than me...here take a look:
  5. ok, now i got something else here: 1013 client does not exist Blesta(Plesk module log) 193.2*.***.*0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <packet version=""> <customer> <set> <result> <status>error</status> <errcode>1013</errcode> <errtext>client does not exist</errtext> <filter-id>dasdsida1</filter-id> </result> </set> </customer> </packet>
  6. i am not familiar with php, BUT, i know enough to edit txt file ...i will let you know if it worked...brb in few minutes
  7. havent you read it copy/paste from first post: using Plesk 11.5 + Blesta v3
  8. here it is, i have just covered IP address:
  9. I hope some of them will jump in, because now i cant do anything :\
  10. i get this error, when i want to activate service(hosting package) http://i.imgur.com/fy0DGp8.png What is the problem here? i dont understand this Subscription ID thing... help pls :\ PS: using Plesk 11.5 + Blesta v3
  11. tnx mate
  12. but in order creating what Type should it be?
  13. ok, you explained it for domains, now hosting packages?
  14. well, honestly, i admire your will .....blesta should have documentation sorted out crystal clear with explanation of workflow. You should be rewarded from blesta team. Making a video with examples would make it much easier, but i more prefer detailed documentation, because it is more convenient to follow vs video Once again, thank you so much
  15. i am using v3,...this is v3 forum? now i am a bit confused
  16. CubicWebs thanks for the reply, .....i am completely starting fresh on this new server, i don't plant to do transfering from whmcs, ....all i need is explained workflow for blesta
  17. Guys, will some1 be so kind enough to write me down simple workflow how to setup blesta for selling hosting packages and domains. I am coming from WHMCS, so this is all a bit different in logic for me. I have created hosting packages...and i am reading this: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Selling+Domains but somehow i feel this is not enough information Thank you in advace
  18. indeed, this option would be handy.
  19. i have changed pdt file as you suggested, it worked straight away, thank you so much mate
  20. how do i remove powered by Blesta in footer, My licence type: Blesta Owned Unbranded thanks
  21. dado023


    hiya Tyson, one more question, ....How do i filter out only Front end/user terms/words/expressions ?
  22. dado023


    please do, because i am going away from WHMCS and it has already Croatian out of the box, so i will only translate front end Thank you in advance
  23. dado023


    how can i start translating to Croatian language ...it doesnt exist on http://translate.blesta.com/
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