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  1. Hi everyone, I need a developer Blesta who can do me paid jobs for me. I need to put some things in the web site and maybe keep a lasting relationship over time.
  2. I installed the plugin but I can not add the language to translate. I show you the screenshot with the message that appears to me. How can I fix it?
  3. I can not install [Plugin] Admin Tools (More Options For Staff). Do you know more info please? This is the link to download the plugin? https://github.com/Blesta-Addons/Admin_Tools Do I have to copy the files to the plugin folder? Thank you, Andrea
  4. What can I do to provide you with my translation or to upload? Do I have to go back to http://translate.blesta.com/translation/? Can you explain it well? I arrange to have the translation into Italian for all future versions. Thanks
  5. I can provide you the translation into a .zip file if you need it.
  6. The translation I did it alone. Change anything if I did not use Blesta?
  7. Thank you to all, bye Andrea
  8. Hello, I did all the Italian translation for the version of Blesta 4.0.1. It is about to exit version 4.1. Do I have to redo all the Italian translation from my head? Is there a way to avoid translating the whole translation? Thanks, See you soon
  9. Hello to all, At this time I'm using the Namecheap module to resell web domains. I need to create a new module for a manager (https://www.ovh.it/domini/) that is not in the list. How can I do? Help me solve this problem? Thank you very much, Yours sincerely
  10. I opened the ticket. Thanks for the help of all!
  11. Hi, thank you all for your answers. I asked the ZOMEX programmer to make the changes you suggested. ZOMEX programmer tells me however that the search engine does not work yet. Can I ask for your little support? Thank you very much.
  12. Hi, thank you for answering. I've modified the link in the form but I still see the white page. My programmer tells me to ask you a tip. Can you help me solve this problem? Thanks again, See you soon
  13. Thank you for all the support. My programmer did the work you suggested. She tells me to ask you something. When I try the search engine, I see a white page. The link of this page is this: https://www.inretesubito.com Following is the request of my programmer. Hello Andrea, I've implemented the code as per their example code. So the form is setup correctly, but I'm not sure which URL to use on the form as on the forums there is no specific example. Can you post on the forum and ask them to confirm which URL to use. Once you know add it to domainchecker.php, if the next page is still blank you will need to communicate on this forum post to see why this is.
  14. Thank you for your response. Do you have a step-by-step guide that allows me to configure the file blesta.php correctly? Thank you very much, See you soon
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