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Everything posted by casualhost

  1. I did another server backup restore ( full server ) and all is good Everything is fine now, I guess it was my bad to share my FTP info with them, I just sent a copy of my website theme and they sent a zip file for the theme.. But just FYI guys, never share ur FTP info to websiteintergration
  2. Now, Im not gonna blame anyone or anything but heres what happened. About an hour ago, my site @ https://billing.casualhost.com was working fine and dandy. Then I desired to get my theme intergrated to blesta, googled a bit, and decided to use website intergration @ https://scriptinstallation.ca to do it. Paid up and handed them over FTP info.. and I just checked my site and it shows up blank. Tried using a VPN on my phone with mobile data, its still blank. I restored a day old backup ( on my main site and billing to make sure ), the main site returned to its original state ( I just uploaded to change some stuff ) , but the billing is still shows up blank. I don't at all understand how this could happen... the files at billing are still there, I can see it in my file manager.. I barely login to my servers control panel so i dont think i changed any important settings If anyone experienced anything like this, please help Thanks!
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