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Heather Feuerhelm

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Everything posted by Heather Feuerhelm

  1. @Bud ManzNo, I never use none. However, I must have reconfigured something correctly because now I am receiving emails.
  2. Yes, I am assigned to every department. I checked that as part of my troubleshooting.
  3. I am using SMTP and when I test in mail settings it passes. Also, clients receive emails including invoices and support ticket autoresponses and staff replies. However, I (as the only staff) do not receive ANY staff-related emails at all!
  4. I have been testing the support system trying to troubleshoot why I am not receiving the staff emails (I am the only staff) when a ticket is created or updated by the client. I can confirm that the client receives responses, but staff does not. When I check the emails tab under logs and click on the email that should have been sent, I see the following error message: Expected response code 354 but got code "554", with message "554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients " What is causing this error and how can I fix it?
  5. I reverted the database and edited config/blesta.php. Everything ran and once I updated the cron, everything is green and good. Thanks!!
  6. Interesting. I was able to get into admin and everything looks fine. I then went to Settings > Company > Plugins > Installed. Some required an upgrade and all did fine until I got to Support Manager. That's where the error got thrown: SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'send_ticket_received' So how should I handle that plugin?
  7. Hi Tyson. I followed your instructions and reverted the database and then reuploaded the most recent version of files. I then ran the updater in my SSH Client. I am posting here the complete report: 10/10 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 6/6 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 1/1 [========================================] 100% 14/14 [========================================] 100% 6/13 [==================> ] 46 %[2018-09-13 22:30:35] general.ERROR: exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00' for column 'date_updated' at row 1' in /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/db/src/PdoConnection.php:196 Stack trace: #0 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/db/src/PdoConnection.php(196): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/plugins/support_manager/support_manager_plugin.php(784): Minphp\Db\PdoConnection->query('ALTER TABLE `su...') #2 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/app/models/plugin_manager.php(298): SupportManagerPlugin->upgrade('2.11.1', '7') #3 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(364): PluginManager->upgrade('7') #4 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(115): Upgrades->processExtension('plugin', Array) #5 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(141): Upgrades->start('4.0.0-b6', '4.3.2', Array) #6 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(92): AdminUpgrade->processCli() #7 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(143): AdminUpgrade->index() #8 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(61): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/upgrade/', true) #9 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/index.php(24): Dispatcher::dispatchCli(Array) #10 {main} [] []
  8. Thank you. I did as you directed and dropped the table. Reran the upgrade and now get the following: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'Clients.delete-\Blesta\Core\Util\Events\Handlers\ClientAccount' for key 'PRIMARY'
  9. I am attempting to upgrade from 4.0.1 to 4.3.2 following the instructions in the documentation. I uploaded all the files, overwriting existing. Then in the browser I began the upgrade process. However, I get the following error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '5-13' for key 'PRIMARY' I have tried various searches, but I can't find that key and the only place I can find any version of '5-13' is in dates in data fields. I am now stuck in mid upgrade! Can someone help me figure out how to fix this? NOTE: I have already tried reverting the database back to the version backed up just prior to the upgrade, but I get stuck at the same place. This morning I tried doing the update from SSH command line. This expanded on the error a bit more: [2018-09-13 17:21:12] general.ERROR: exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '5-13' for key 'PRIMARY'' in /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/db/src/PdoConnection.php:196 Stack trace: #0 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/db/src/PdoConnection.php(196): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/components/upgrades/tasks/upgrade4_1_1.php(100): Minphp\Db\PdoConnection->query('INSERT INTO `se...', Array) #2 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/components/upgrades/tasks/upgrade4_1_1.php(54): Upgrade4_1_1->addServiceInvoiceAssociations() #3 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(266): Upgrade4_1_1->process('addServiceInvoi...') #4 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(101): Upgrades->processObject(Object(Upgrade4_1_1), Array) #5 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(141): Upgrades->start('4.0.0-b6', '4.3.2', Array) #6 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(92): AdminUpgrade->processCli() #7 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(143): AdminUpgrade->index() #8 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(61): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/upgrade/', true) #9 /home/setupserver/applications/clientarea/public/index.php(24): Dispatcher::dispatchCli(Array) #10 {main} [] [] Can this help with troubleshooting?
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