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Everything posted by Beav

  1. There are no plans at this time to make it into a client side widget like the 'invoices' 'services' etc widgets on dashboard as i think this would be super clutter as theres already alot here (expecially if you have a ticket widget). So what you can do.... the function getAction event is invoked on install or upgrade only. so if your client nav is full you can remove the plugin action function from client_emails_plugin.php and edit the .json to be a higher version and select upgrade in settings to force a "upgrade option" -OR- you can go into the database table plugin_actions and delete the entry for this plugin *ALWAYS BE CAREFUL WHEN EDITING DATABASE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING PLEASE TRY ROUTE 1 OR CONTACT SYSTEM ADMIN" You can then take the uri to the page and add it as a submenu item to any of your other nav items or create a button anywhere you like etc. @BlestaStore for example moved his to the client name dropdown where 'Manage Account' and "Log out' Reside on the far right of the nav with a nice letter fa icon. If you wanted to do it like this, in your structure.pdt search for the submenu for the nav and add <li><a href="plugin/client_emails/client_main/index/"><i class="fa fa-envelope fa-fw"></i> Mail Log</a></li> under <li><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->client_uri . 'main/edit/');?>"><i class="fa fa-edit fa-fw"></i> <?php $this->_('AppController.client_structure.text_update_account');?></a></li>
  2. @Blesta Addons, I inspire to have the experience you and your team has. Thank you for your help and assist as always
  3. I have updated the client_data plugin to also support Domain Counts and Support manager Pro ticket counts (still has default support manager counter as well) You may download it here. Here are examples of calls depending on which one you require for your theme. <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCountServices(); }); function fetchCountServices() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_services/active") . '", null, function(data) { $("#services_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchInvoices("open"); }); function fetchInvoices(status) { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_invoices/") . '" + status, null, function(data) { $("#invoices_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCountTickets(); }); function fetchCountTickets() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_pro_tickets/open") . '", null, function(data) { $("#tickets_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> <?php $this->Javascript->setInline(' $(document).ready(function() { fetchCountDomains(); }); function fetchCountDomains() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_url . "plugin/client_data/client_main/count_domains/") . '", null, function(data) { $("#domains_count").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } '); ?> Sorry formatting went off by a bit. $("#div_id_to_replace_here") is what tells the ajax which div to update which ever Request you want should be added around the bottom of structure.pdt (i have seperated requests individually above) before <?php echo $this->Javascript->getInline();?
  4. Something like this would have been easier over a teamviewer meeting, but i will get something together to answer all his questions here in this thread to help all
  5. Nextop Host PM me, I can help you with this.
  6. Update is now live, I have updated the original download link to reflect the 1.0.1 download. You may also Download it Here (updated 11/04/2017)
  7. Yes this seems correct, I will get this updated soon
  8. Makes no difference, I will update with a rewrite for cleaner more efficency methods hopefully this evening after work. Shouldn't be a white page but the update should fix any issues as its being ran extensivley through debugger. Time is just not my friend this week at work
  9. Nothing, its from Blesta-Addons revision. I havent had time to look at it yet to see the issue.
  10. No there was an issue with pagination that has not been resolved yet I will post the update here when available
  11. There will be an update in about an hour
  12. Look forward to this thank you
  13. Email History Gosuhost is introducing the email history plugin for Blesta. This allows your customers to view past emails straight from their client area. This gives your customers a much better experience rather than them checking their email client for past emails. They can click the row to view the email in text format. And the best thing is, we are releasing this free and open-source so you can edit and see the code. client_emails-1-1-0.zip
  14. try to clear your cache and also check your /cache/ folder and delete folder 1 if its in there.
  15. try entering your domain name?
  16. Each Reseller has their own pricing.
  17. If you email me at admin@gosuhost.com I can give you a quote, also @Blesta Addons and @cyandark can also give you quotes for this.
  18. A custom plugin could be made to accomplish this while awaiting your feature request.
  19. Remove: <div class="radio"> <label> <?php $this->Form->fieldRadio('username_type', 'username', ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->username_type) == 'username'), ['id'=>'username_type_username']); $this->_('Signup.index.field_username_type_username'); ?> </label> </div>
  20. To make a registration page, create it as a order form theres a dropdown box that will say Registration, as per removing the "username" option it would require editing /plugins/order/views/templates/standard/signup.pdt
  21. Have you added these TLDS (such as .com) to a package, etc? Once they are there it should autolist all TLDS that youve selected.
  22. Beav

    Restore a Domain

    If you feel youve made a grave error in your database, you should restore to a previous backup. The database is something you should not manipulate without knowing its effects or knowledge of what your doing. Guessing and changing certain variables will lead to a broken system.
  23. $this->client_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_client_id"); $this->uses(["SupportManagerpro.SupportManagerproTickets"]); $open = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getStatusCount("open", null, $this->client_id); $in_progress = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getStatusCount("in_progress", null, $this->client_id); $await_reply = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getStatusCount("awaiting_reply", null, $this->client_id); $response = $open + $in_progress + $await_reply; render this as AJax to your div on client side. I think this is what your after and im not understanding what you mean from admin panel, he was adding a counter to the system overview widget. the post above yours shows how to accomplish this
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