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Everything posted by Beav

  1. If you need any help please don't hesitate to ask!
  2. After your logged in click here or copy the url directly below. it will take you where you can view your subscription and theres a button that will say "List Downloads" from here you can download all you have access to https://blesta-addons.com/client/plugin/membership_club/client_main/
  3. Thank you for the kind words mate! I'm glad I was able to clear up all your questions.
  4. This is a custom development from a third party. you can download any/all of his plugins/modules from his website www.blesta-addons.com with the appropriate membership level to his website (i believe resend welcome email is under his free subscription level)
  5. Glad you enjoy, We will soon update this plugin to add a few options to better enhance the users experience and also the administrators. More General Setups without a lot of customization and additions wont experience any "colliding" but if you have 2-3 other items already added there may not be room and the dropdown is a great easy place to apply this.
  6. You can change the colors using CSS in your theme template (default theme is located /app/views/client/bootstrap/) In the folder CSS youll find styles.css and inside portal-box CSS Settings. You can also navigate inside admin area settings->plugins->portal->manage and view the html and add your css directly to the html as well.
  7. Amit message me on discord and I'll help you figure it out. You have the blestacms though or is this a separate install?
  8. Beav

    Registration Page Edit

    Registration views are in /plugins/order/views/templates/(template; default is standard, you can check your order form for what you have set)/ either in a language file in /language or the pdt in /types/registration if it' hardcover depending on what your customization is/was
  9. https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/cPanel one stop shop
  10. +1
  11. http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1085 Lots of good talk on pci compliance here for stripe
  12. Did i miss this email or has it been delayed?
  13. I have completed this feature in my install along with a few other changes, a preview can be found here: https://www.screencast.com/t/3SQGkCF1trnR Thoughts? Opinions? Can make a tutorial in the meantime while we wait for the blesta team for those who want to implement it now
  14. Im confused or super tired, wouldnt 3 months renew on april 1st?
  15. If it promted for a install then most likely /config/blesta.php is missing or had changed. If you need help upgrading I can help via teamviewer if you want to send me a pm
  16. Beav

    Invoiced Today

    Does it have to do with the prorata because of the year switch? Maybe still be same issue in 4.1.2 depending on what exactly is triggering it
  17. Run upgrade via cli. I had same issue until I rerun the upgrade a second time
  18. Beav

    Huge Invoicing Bug

    Incase anyone else has invoices to fix: If you are having problems removing lines from effected invoices because of a transaction(credit) already applied you will need to click on the transaction and after it expands there will be an option to unapply the amount from that invoice. Then edit the invoice adjust it and reapply(cron should reapply the amount)
  19. Beav

    Huge Invoicing Bug

    Glad you found a quick solution was just headed to post here about this, All prorata Blesta licenses packages have been effected by this. For some like one install theres many invoices effected already, maybe a hotfix push for those that arent that great at editing code would be best as it seems to be quite the bug.
  20. I can help via teamviewer if you still need assistance, if you want to PM me
  21. 7.0 and 7.1 are different, you must apply the hotfix included in the download, the default are encoded for 5.6.
  22. apply the 7.0 hotfix included in the download for php 7
  23. If you use a different /config/blesta.php than before your system encrypt key is going to be different and can cause problems reading some information from database. Might be why you have to do password reset
  24. This is why its not suggested to change core files. I would backup your files, replace and reapply any changes necessary or replace around them and hope they had no changes to them or it could cause issues.
  25. use the api. Use the following as refrence. Display Prices on your website
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