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Everything posted by Beav

  1. This message is telling you mailparse requires php 7.0 and your currently using php 5.6 You can get mailparse to work on 5.6 but theres no 'official' release.
  2. Hey mate, In WHM on the left hand Nav Bar, Select 'Software'->'Module Installers' Here you can select 'Manage' where it says PHP Pecl, after a few seconds you will be redirected, once this page loads you will be able to search for mailparse and select 'Install'
  3. Have a great easter weekend!
  4. hes using it in deliver invoice email (unpaid) https://docs.blesta.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4161679
  5. {% for invoice in invoices %} Client ID Code 1: {invoice.client.id_value} Client ID Code 2: {invoice.client.id_code} {% endfor %} Both these will return the client id your looking for though, working work around for now. ex. 1500
  6. https://docs.blesta.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4161679 According to the docs it should be valid.
  7. Also notice you forgot admin view of client. /plugins/support_manager/views/default/admin_tickets_client.pdt add: ['name' => $this->_('AdminTickets.client.category_on_hold', true) . ' <span>(' . $this->Html->_($status_count['on_hold'], true) . ')</span>', 'current' => ($this->Html->ifSet($status) == 'on_hold' ? true : false), 'attributes' => ['href' => $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/client/' . $this->Html->ifSet($client->id) . '/on_hold/'), 'class' => 'ajax']], and in subsequent /plugins/support_manager/language/en_us/admin_tickets.php $lang['AdminTickets.client.category_on_hold'] = 'On Hold'; definitely useless though as stated a trash option and on hold option are in 4.3.0 BUT if your using this already you might want to see on hold in widget or not...
  8. Option to create new invoice yet?
  9. You can open a ticket here. You can also email sales --<at>-- blesta.com https://account.blesta.com/
  10. Beav

    invalid license key

    If you send blesta a support ticket unless you have abused the trials from the domain or ip requested they should issue you a new trial
  11. Came in handy for me tonight, Perfect! Thanks mate! +1 for New Invoice
  12. From your administration navigation bar go: Packages->Order Forms->(Settings Tab), What is the default order form set to? I think your wanting 'None - Show Listing'
  13. These are also customizable depending on which form it will be in the standard order plugin or your theme pdts
  14. Example of edit of signup.pdt From the file I linked using standard order form for registration. If you would like PM me and we can help locate your issue
  15. You can edit the View files and remove the fields from them if your using the Standard order form for your Client Registration the .pdts to edit would be /plugins/order/views/templates/standard/types/registration
  16. Glad to finally start seeing updates, keep up the great progress! Looking good
  17. Emails are stored in the log_emails table. You can empty this table out if it makes you feel better
  18. Beav

    Automatically setup

    This issue was resolved. He was missing 'Datacenter' in the configurable options preventing cron from fully provisioning the paid service.
  19. He means license costs are super cheap
  20. Just a reminder this is the last day for this deal. The special will end at 12:01am est usa Tomorrow 03/01/2018
  21. https://blesta-addons.com more specifically https://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/20/
  22. Coupon issue has been resolved.
  23. Great work! Much needed update
  24. Looks good mate!
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