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Everything posted by Beav

  1. @Paul is it possible the license manager is not up to date with the vendor dir phpseclib, everything works if I use the actual phpseclib folder in the dist folder instead of vendor dir well almost. The licensing part works but i logged out of admin area and went to log back in and it keeps redirecting me to login area. i removed my checklicennse line and it logs in just fine if its not there. what would cause this behavior?
  2. I can upload the /dist/ folder to a random folder on my website and change the server url and shared secret and it works fine browsing to example.php, try and put it in here and its just not happening .. i dont understand. Inside blesta i get 500 error on $license_manager->setKeys($license_key, $public_key, $shared_secret); (Uncaught TypeError, code 0 in /home/beavdev/public_html/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Model.php on line 14 Message: Argument 1 passed to Model::__construct() must be of the type array, string given, called in /home/beavdev/public_html/app/app_model.php on line 0) https://gosuhost.com/ugh/example.php can clearly see success here though
  3. same result as origional
  4. if i move the licenseCheck to if ($params['portal'] == "client") { $valid = $this->checkLicense(); } it takes 30-60 seconds then shows the webpage possibly or gives resource error. if i move it to if ($params['portal'] == "admin") { $valid = $this->checkLicense(); } then it works FANTASTIC. Problem is i need it on both sides not just admin
  5. removed
  6. Try navigating to domain.com/installfolder/admin or if you have it in main folder domain.com/admin , it should then prompt you I believe
  7. @Blesta Addons @cyandark either of these gentlemen would be more than happy to give you a free quote on custom plugins/modules
  8. settle down there killer...
  9. What if the message read, Sorry we are Closed (This will ONLY effect manual provisons and support times). This would not deter in my opinion but lets businesses without 24/7 support to allow a customer to know instead of them refreshing the ticket / etc every 10 minute to check for updates. What are your thoughts on that?
  10. This thread should be locked, Licensecart goes out of his way to help others even when they are not a client of his own. If you would have given him ample time for solutions he would have made fair adjustments im sure of it hes an outstanding guy.
  11. please note modulegardens module is not encoded for php7. not sure your php version but im sure you can contact their support.
  12. sent you pm but its a free extension you should be able to go through checkout process its 0.00 on the price.
  13. this wont work using php 7.0, gives me blank page, works if i switch to 5.6 but certain function forcing me to use 7, is there a fix?
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