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Everything posted by Beav

  1. have you found a solution to this? @cyandark, having same issue with a different reseller site also. Get same message. Any ideas?
  2. I modified a bit more but I have this running on 4.1. His fixes will work, should replace the $this->staff and client options with actual checks, I was able to view other support tickets without it so I added this functionality and all seems good so far.
  3. Beav

    Ioncube Error

    They charge wayyy to much for upgrades. Crazy
  4. Beav

    Ioncube Error

  5. Beav

    Ioncube Error

    Thanks for the news, Just upgraded my encoder, Does cpanel have the 7.1 extension yet? If im not mistaken core min bridge will need driver as well, i dont think its as easy as just encoding the files with new encoder.
  6. if( !isset($this->Staff) ) { $this->uses(array( "Staff" )); } $staff = $this->Staff->get($this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id")); if( !$staff ) { $this->requireLogin(); } This is my current, i have not yet found a way to view others invoices. if not staff will hit requireLogin but if logged in as staff will pass either way requiring one login or another. look forward to your offical patch. thank you for your hard work. The whole community supports and thanks you for all your efforts and contributions!
  7. i have removed this line and tried to view invoices from other clients while logged in as another user and also when not logged in. are you sure on this?? this still sets the uri to admin portal requiring admin login from the controller. i have tried many ways and cannot view others invoice. i could be wrong there may just be a special way i just cannot find it. I have also looked into the others they do not require this line.
  8. I have spoken to mike @Licensecart, Please send a direct PM to him and also @Callum or @RebornWebs
  9. This is intentional behavior. If you want to be able to view without being the client please edit "/components/invoice_templates/html_invoice/html_invoice_htm.php" Starting at line: 54 // only clients can view the invoice $this->requireLogin(); you can delete this line and this will provide the solution you need
  10. i bet your on php7 its encoded for 5.4 if i remember correctly
  11. Beav

    Bitcoin payments

    you could risk gaining money too its like any other currency, it goes up and down
  12. which module? First guess would be something wrong in the module code, second possibly the encoding may not suit your php version.
  13. Have you tried a trial license ? Would allow you to test it
  14. gameservers are creating origionally i didnt have a configurable option correct so it made the username without the server first but after i corrected this no issue here although, having issues with voice servers though. your right though more than one service it gives new password. Moved this from beta to 4.0.1 and client already lost his way in because of 5 different passwords. SolusVM modules do this too so not sure if its intentional
  15. Beav

    WHMCS Migration errors

    I think he means to take the module out of the beta and add it to your in production 4.0.1 as it fixes a lot of errors in the module.
  16. Beav

    Hiden Packages

    what about in order form set to shared? seems to work on my test, doesnt show it under "order" but i can link it manually with http://beavdev.net/order/main/index/test or https://beavdev.net/order/config/index/test/?group_id=1&pricing_id=2 . The only package under the order page is the one i set as NOT A TEST PACKAGE, whereas i can still order the hidden test package that i set with a manual link.
  17. Beav

    Hiden Packages

    you could try to add it to a member group that doesnt have order form set to it. i think this would work, really should have tested this theory before posting but hey
  18. Beav

    Migrating Virtualizor

    have you tried to untick "use module" maybe it wont add because they already exist in virtualizor
  19. 7.1 does not have loaders required available yet, please change your php to version 7.0 and it will work
  20. have you tried to reissue the license?
  21. 30 day sign-up link below for license key price is set $0.00 download from downloads section after sign-up https://gosuhost.com/order/config/index/addons/?group_id=6&pricing_id=40
  22. Need help testing my Store Hours Plugin. More Demo Images can be Found here https://gosuhost.com/hourplugin This plugin allows complete automation of hours of operations. with plenty of customization options. Supports exclusion days and holidays for limited hours for a particular day or to be closed all day. More info on release, inbox with any questions. if you would be interested in testing for me please inbox me, ideas concepts, feedback welcome
  23. Beav

    Ioncube Error

    Its not encoded as far as im aware CPanel does not have a loader support for 7.1. Check your WHM->Software->Apache->PHP Extensions (that is if your using cpanel) otherwise id think its just not encoded for 7.1 but probably 5.6 which supports PHP 7 ionCube Loaders(runs files produced by the version 9 PHP 5.6 Encoder. which uses ioncube loader 6) my ioncube encoder 9 does not have option for 7.1 as im sure pauls does not as well. Try using php 7
  24. Beav

    Ioncube Error

    correct, 7.0 will work with ioncube.
  25. Negative it's being done on beavdev.net it's just a blank install and the plugin current work around: if ( $params['controller'] !== "admin_login" ) { then do license check, so it checks everywhere but the login time but this still shouldnt have to be this way, would like to find a full fix
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