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Amit Kumar Mishra

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Everything posted by Amit Kumar Mishra

  1. @Tyson @Paul @Jono or other blesta devs/team
  2. cpanel account integration meaning?
  3. enable error reporting then let me know here what error you get
  4. in almost every forum this is the hot talk there are many alternatives to this, even considering support of automation from blesta the paid panels inculde - directadmin, plesk, interworx the free ones include - centos-web-panel, vestacp, virtualmin, ispconfig, cyberpanel ispmanager and imscp are also there on a lighter note, why not wait for the blesta team to release a control panel...
  5. you may put this inside [] -- 'config::preconfig','domain_form::index' ------ and let me know if this works
  6. already replied to your post in the thread you have to unzip the files copy the folder to the location blesta-install-directory/components/gateway/(then most probably non-merchant folder) then go to the admin-dashboard and check it in the non-merchant gateway and do the needful do thanks me if this works...
  7. you have to unzip the files copy the folder to the location blesta-install-directory/components/gateway/(then most probably non-merchant folder) then go to the admin-dashboard and check it in the non-merchant gateway and do the needful do thanks me if this works...
  8. @Mr Genius, its not me trying just wished to know how many people are using panels other than cpanel, where we have other panels with more features...
  9. blesta dont automaticly fetches the license after the trial is over, we, i asume, have to key in the details... correct me if i am wrong, poor @imanoob2000 is being cheated
  10. if what i am point out is right, then he wont find any clue in the phpmyadmin
  11. thats what i pointed out the firewall may be blocking the ports
  12. try clearing the cache and redo
  13. is curl to url working properly also what about the firewall? not sure, but you may check
  14. on a lighter note, the 100%off coupons are saving you a lot if this keeps happening on a serious note, this seems to catch the attention of the blesta developers
  15. believe me they are either giving you and addon, or are using a nulled blesta again its @Paul who may confirm if your domain exists in their database? did you write your domain name here or send it to @Paul over IM, also you may open a ticket with blesta stating your domain and it must be an addon which they are giving to you, not sure if it is ethical
  16. most welcomed step thanks mate
  17. its related to caching, byu the way, why would you like blesta to be cached, its to be dynamic
  18. @Blesta.Store is correct
  19. i personally feel directadmin is having more functionalities, i mean like when i compare it with blesta and w-shit-cs, but many users are not providing it there are many things which cpanel doesn't provide inbuilt, which directadmin has..
  20. not that api wont work but we are figuring out a way, keeping the fingers crossed in testing will update after some rigorous testing is over
  21. hi as i had said, the community will help you out neither they are authorised to use blesta not whmcs, not sure about any other now its upto @Paul to verify if they have any valid resellership with blesta so logically, they are cheating you and here i deserve more thanks, for pointing this to you, now as well as earlier
  22. hi this thread has got nothing to do with blesta, but with the user base. i was just wondering, with blesta having so many modules for control panels, which one if being used most and why? mostly providers depends upon cpanel, but even after being a paid panel, it still lacks many functionalities like the dnssec in cluster mode for powerdns so like users switch over to blesta from w-shit-cs, just willing to know which one would be your favorite and why, among so many free and paid?
  23. also, @imanoob2000, why not name the host here may be if there would be some mistake, which others would have done it in the past, will guide you and u get time saved!!! else others be aware of such shady hosts...
  24. refer to my manual #4 i have stated this already and may be if proved, @Paul, must take some stringent step to protect the customers right
  25. lol when you wrote Paul, initially i thought @Paul, and i was like, "what???" but then i realized its @Paul74 i feel i will have to look at you twitter account, but i agree, your love for blesta makes you rip apart those liking the W-shit-cs pick hahaha what say?
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