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Amit Kumar Mishra

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Everything posted by Amit Kumar Mishra

  1. it works like charm
  2. see, i helped you complete it faster!!!
  3. hey whats up mate so many reserved posts and you said about integration but nothing in here
  4. selling blesta theme with whmcs demo... moreover opening a dispute to get support reply...
  5. so try payu then update
  6. true you have to use payment gateway, to use credit card
  7. i believe, not every one is selling all extensions...
  8. wonderful 1+ from me do we open a feature request for this?
  9. @Eric W this is integration not merge in case you require help, you may PM me, and i will guide you
  10. you mean to know the pricing of the license module its given on the site you may also PM @Paul, or open a ticket with blesta
  11. generally the user name is the first eight character may be there should be an option to key in the username since i havent checked this, i may not write much but just only that the 1st 8 character let the devs take care of this
  12. wonderful move will this be integrated in the next release? also is other any other updates for any other panel in the pipeline?
  13. since you know if i am a client or not also to test i would require it to be installed at my end, i would wait till then
  14. if you would read properly, you would then understand what i meant moreover neither am i getting snarky nor getting an attitude with you if you have spotted some bugs, it should be reported to the developer, not to me, if i release some software, you are welcome to point the bugs in it, to me, and i shall be happy to serve you
  15. thanks for point out that things are buggy more over lets be mature
  16. hi it seems like its php version specific issue, let the developer look into
  17. but should we not have an option to allow old backups from the admin panel?
  18. what else is there in this vps i have seen vps's with very low load averages and i doubt such incidents it must be some other culprit in your vps
  19. i feel so that presently blesta has the system of backingup may be it will go on and on and on may be you should open a request for this feature (remove old backups) but you never know till what day you may require the backups additionally you may do it manually
  20. you mean to say like if i am not registered and i open a support ticket for say quote or pricing, then the ticket for you, on your dashboard, should display that i am unregistered user? you may write in a php to validate in the username for the ticket id exists in the user table
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