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Amit Kumar Mishra

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Everything posted by Amit Kumar Mishra

  1. hi Paul if any one may test this and let me know also use these credentials for the testing ==================== For test server, Please redirect to (https://test.payu.in/_payment), Please use the following test credential: MerchantID: gtKFFx SALT: eCwWELxi Below are the test card details for doing a test transaction in the testing mode. Card Name: Any Name Card Number: 5123 4567 8901 2346 CVV: 123 Expiry: may 2017 ================== kindly let me know payumoney-modified.zip
  2. hi if i change the url's and the relevant things in the php files, will it work with payubiz.in
  3. did it https://requests.blesta.com/topic/payubiz-in-payment-gateway-module-non-merchant
  4. hi there any idea about the gateway PAYUBIZ.in support the difference between payubiz and payumoney is that the later is only national gateway to india, and the other one is international gateway kindly let me know if anyone has any details or if this will work with payubiz as well thanks
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