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Amit Kumar Mishra

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Everything posted by Amit Kumar Mishra

  1. may be that is the reason, i was not being able to achieve it will post here, once i test it thanks to both of you for reply
  2. what all things would you require for this test server
  3. hi if any one has completed the whmamp module kindly let me know whmamp is a plugin to make mulit-lever resellers in cpanel thanks amit
  4. hi in case you require to make a wysiwyg editor like ckeditor, how to enable it in portal-cms plugin i feel i need to insert it here <?php $this->Form->label($this->_('CmsManagePlugin.index.field_content', true), 'content'); $this->Form->fieldTextarea('content', $this->Html->ifSet($vars->content), ['id' => 'content', 'class'=>'wysiwyg']); ?> i tried a few methods, but all in vain any help would be awesome thanks amit
  5. hi i wish the users to enter some username as the user id, and not their email as user id, while signup not sure how to get this done (i am surely forgetting some step not sure what) if any one could guide me in this thanks amit
  6. even i would be willing to get this module
  7. wonderful... i was trying this, but was not successful, till i followed this tutorial well explained the only things here are 1. the reset/forgot password link 2. after logout from the client portal, should not redirect to the login page will update here when i am able to solve the two mentioned points but thanks
  8. will this work with cloudmin as well? i havent tested it though?
  9. hi sorry to all whom i bothered actually the problem was a 404 error popping in due to the improper url @GosuHost who is like my younger brother and a good mate pointed out the mistake, the thing what i was trying to achieve was already done i had about as <a href"about.html"> this which accessed from the clients dashboard turned out to be clients/about.html instead of /about.html what a fool i was what i need is good sound sleep, so that i do not make these silly mistakes and bother my community mates if i would had written the complete url this would not had been the issue, like <a href"domain.tld/about.html"> but ,any thanks to all those who did stoped by to help me
  10. this is what i wish to achieve if any one may let me know how to do it if not in the open forum, may be in the private message
  11. yeah so i remove it and then try?
  12. say i want to have a "about" page or say a "terms of service" page how do i add those? my .htaccess is empty... what shall i put in there so that i am able to achieve what i intend, as i mentioned above...
  13. hi all in my test install, i have tried all but its not working say i have a.com, blesta installed at root now say i wish to have a.com/about-us.html or a.com/about-us.php or any other, i cannot get it done i am sure i am missing out on something, but not sure what this may be done via the use of a plugin, but i wish to get it done without a plugin whenever i upload a page in that fashion and try to access it, blesta gives me a 404 page what may i do and how do i proceed any help is welcomed thanks
  14. i feel they have an importer, not sure though, some time back one of their support staff kinda said so, will have to check
  15. Excelent work @Paul keep it up
  16. yes, that is to be done manually every time, i do not know of any method if it could be done while signup? if there is any kindly let me know
  17. if any one can help me how to configure the number of clients a reseller can create using plugin i am unable to find any... (i mean any help)
  18. wonderful another giant leap....
  19. hello every one i installed blesta did not test it 1. then upgraded it to 4.1 from 4.0 2. when i try to create a client or user, it gives an error Invalid client group ID. Invalid client ID. now when i go to create a client group 3. i do not see any client-group (i do not remember seeing it earlier) 4. when i try to create a client group, it shows success 5. but the client group is still not shown any help is appretiated thanks
  20. my mistake, i was hasty its the problem with blesta
  21. hello every one when i try to signup and create a user, i get this error Invalid client group ID. Invalid client ID. if i may get help?
  22. any update on payubiz or is this plugin working with it?
  23. what about payubiz.com
  24. does this module support payumoney or payubiz the original version for payumonay (avaliable here) was tweaked by payubiz techies... if you people confirm this is working, may i confirm it to them as well so that they may make it official. or if there is any this to be changed, kindly let me know also if any one may send me a lint to view this in action, i would be glad thanks
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