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Amit Kumar Mishra

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Amit Kumar Mishra last won the day on January 5 2023

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  1. nice work got any trail version of it?
  2. @Anurag M, kindly check the DM awaiting response
  3. @SystemFreaks that looks awesome man..
  4. Hi @johnhe i like your passion even without any response from the community, you could resolve it not only that you contributed to the community by answering to its fix keep up the good work
  5. @armandorg incase you are willing, i am ready to port upgrade this theme or other themes to blesta5.x you may contact me any time
  6. any progress in this field!
  7. hello @Blesta Addons any update on the cms pro plugin?
  8. may be this will help
  9. ok got it so you need to add it to your website so the best thing is to add an iframe or a form and pass on the details of the form to blesta domain module
  10. may be this would be of your interest if it works, kindly let me know here
  11. if the moderators may be kind enough to move this post/thread to the help section i opened it under the discussion section, by mistake
  12. fresh install of latest blesta on wamp64 with php8.1 gives this error when error reporting is enabled Fatal error: During inheritance of SessionHandlerInterface: Uncaught UnknownException: Return type of Minphp\Session\Handlers\PdoHandler::open($savePath, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php:65 Stack trace: #0 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\monolog\monolog\src\Monolog\ErrorHandler.php(232): UnknownException::setErrorHandler(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65, Array) #1 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php(10): Monolog\ErrorHandler->handleError(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65) #2 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(478): include('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #3 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(346): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #4 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Components\Session.php(56): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('Minphp\\Session\\...') #5 [internal function]: Session->__construct() #6 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #7 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Session', Array) #8 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(140): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'components') #9 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\helpers\widget\widget.php(38): Loader::loadComponents(Object(Widget), Array) #10 [internal function]: Widget->__construct() #11 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #12 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Widget', Array) #13 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(158): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'helpers') #14 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(154): Loader::loadHelpers(Object(AdminSystemCompanies), Array) #15 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(123): Controller->helpers(Array) #16 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\app\app_controller.php(0): Controller->__construct() #17 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Dispatcher.php(119): AppController->__construct('admin_system_co...', NULL, false) #18 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/blesta/admin/s...') #19 {main} in C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php on line 10 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0006 366136 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0 2 0.0281 414592 Dispatcher::dispatch( $requestUri = '/blesta/admin/settings/system/companies/', $isCli = ??? ) ...\index.php:21 3 0.0405 713120 Controller->__construct( ) ...\app_controller.php:0 4 0.0446 721960 Controller->helpers( $helpers = [0 => 'CurrencyFormat', 1 => 'Date', 2 => 'DataStructure', 3 => 'Form', 4 => 'Html', 5 => 'Xml', 6 => 'Javascript', 7 => 'Widget', 8 => 'WidgetClient'] ) ...\Controller.php:123 5 0.0446 721960 Loader::loadHelpers( $parent = class AdminSystemCompanies { public $structure = class View { protected $vars = NULL; public $file = NULL; public $view_ext = '.pdt'; public $view = 'admin\\default'; public $default_view = 'admin\\default'; public $view_dir = '/blesta/app/views/admin/default/'; public $view_path = 'app\\'; public $default_view_path = 'app\\'; private $container = class Minphp\Container\Container { ... }; public $CurrencyFormat = class CurrencyFormat { ... }; public $Date = class Date { ... }; public $DataStructure = class DataStructure { ... }; public $Form = class Form { ... }; public $Html = class Html { ... }; public $Xml = class Xml { ... }; public $Javascript = class Javascript { ... } }; public $structure_view = 'structure'; public $view = class View { protected $vars = NULL; public $file = NULL; public $view_ext = '.pdt'; public $view = 'admin\\default'; public $default_view = 'admin\\default'; public $view_dir = '/blesta/app/views/admin/default/'; public $view_path = 'app\\'; public $default_view_path = 'app\\'; private $container = class Minphp\Container\Container { ... }; public $CurrencyFormat = class CurrencyFormat { ... }; public $Date = class Date { ... }; public $DataStructure = class DataStructure { ... }; public $Form = class Form { ... }; public $Html = class Html { ... }; public $Xml = class Xml { ... }; public $Javascript = class Javascript { ... } }; public $uri = NULL; public $uri_str = NULL; public $get = NULL; public $post = NULL; public $files = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $controller = 'admin_system_companies'; public $action = NULL; public $is_cli = FALSE; protected $uses = []; protected $components = [0 => 'Security']; protected $helpers = [0 => 'CurrencyFormat', 1 => 'Date', 2 => 'DataStructure', 3 => 'Form', 4 => 'Html', 5 => 'Xml', 6 => 'Javascript', 7 => 'Widget', 8 => 'WidgetClient']; private ${Controller}container = class Minphp\Container\Container { private ${Pimple\Container}values = [...]; private ${Pimple\Container}factories = class SplObjectStorage { ... }; private ${Pimple\Container}protected = class SplObjectStorage { ... }; private ${Pimple\Container}frozen = [...]; private ${Pimple\Container}raw = [...]; private ${Pimple\Container}keys = [...] }; private ${Controller}cache_ttl = NULL; private ${Controller}rendered = FALSE; public $request_uri = NULL; public $server_protocol = NULL; public $base_url = NULL; public $base_uri = NULL; protected $company_id = NULL; protected $public_uri = NULL; protected $admin_uri = NULL; protected $client_uri = NULL; protected $layout = 'default'; protected $logger = NULL; private ${AppController}portal = 'admin'; private ${AppController}messages = NULL; private ${AppController}params = NULL; private ${AppController}widgets_state = []; public $Security = class Security { }; public $CurrencyFormat = class CurrencyFormat { private $company_id = NULL; public $Currencies = class Currencies { ... } }; public $Date = class Date { private ${Minphp\Date\Date}formats = [...]; private ${Minphp\Date\Date}timezone_from = NULL; private ${Minphp\Date\Date}timezone_to = NULL }; public $DataStructure = class DataStructure { }; public $Form = class Form { public $xhtml = TRUE; private ${Minphp\Form\Form}eol = '\n'; private ${Minphp\Form\Form}return_output = FALSE; private ${Minphp\Form\Form}csrf_token_name = '_csrf_token'; private ${Minphp\Form\Form}csrf_auto_create = TRUE; private ${Minphp\Form\Form}csrf_token_key = '7nE4=3lXeu;K80l?v_F06Eh28JS>L;:1' }; public $Html = class Html { public $xhtml = TRUE }; public $Xml = class Xml { public $tab = '\t'; public $root_node = 'result' }; public $Javascript = class Javascript { public $xhtml = TRUE; private ${Minphp\Javascript\Javascript}js_files = [...]; private ${Minphp\Javascript\Javascript}js_inline = [...]; private ${Minphp\Javascript\Javascript}default_path = NULL } }, $helpers = [0 => 'CurrencyFormat', 1 => 'Date', 2 => 'DataStructure', 3 => 'Form', 4 => 'Html', 5 => 'Xml', 6 => 'Javascript', 7 => 'Widget', 8 => 'WidgetClient'] ) ...\Controller.php:154 6 0.0446 722336 Loader::loadInstances( $classes = [0 => 'CurrencyFormat', 1 => 'Date', 2 => 'DataStructure', 3 => 'Form', 4 => 'Html', 5 => 'Xml', 6 => 'Javascript', 7 => 'Widget', 8 => 'WidgetClient'], $set_in = [0 => class AdminSystemCompanies { public $structure = class View { ... }; public $structure_view = 'structure'; public $view = class View { ... }; public $uri = NULL; public $uri_str = NULL; public $get = NULL; public $post = NULL; public $files = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $controller = 'admin_system_companies'; public $action = NULL; public $is_cli = FALSE; protected $uses = [...]; protected $components = [...]; protected $helpers = [...]; private ${Controller}container = class Minphp\Container\Container { ... }; private ${Controller}cache_ttl = NULL; private ${Controller}rendered = FALSE; public $request_uri = NULL; public $server_protocol = NULL; public $base_url = NULL; public $base_uri = NULL; protected $company_id = NULL; protected $public_uri = NULL; protected $admin_uri = NULL; protected $client_uri = NULL; protected $layout = 'default'; protected $logger = NULL; private ${AppController}portal = 'admin'; private ${AppController}messages = NULL; private ${AppController}params = NULL; private ${AppController}widgets_state = [...]; public $Security = class Security { ... }; public $CurrencyFormat = class CurrencyFormat { ... }; public $Date = class Date { ... }; public $DataStructure = class DataStructure { ... }; public $Form = class Form { ... }; public $Html = class Html { ... }; public $Xml = class Xml { ... }; public $Javascript = class Javascript { ... } }, 1 => class View { protected $vars = NULL; public $file = NULL; public $view_ext = '.pdt'; public $view = 'admin\\default'; public $default_view = 'admin\\default'; public $view_dir = '/blesta/app/views/admin/default/'; public $view_path = 'app\\'; public $default_view_path = 'app\\'; private $container = class Minphp\Container\Container { ... }; public $CurrencyFormat = class CurrencyFormat { ... }; public $Date = class Date { ... }; public $DataStructure = class DataStructure { ... }; public $Form = class Form { ... }; public $Html = class Html { ... }; public $Xml = class Xml { ... }; public $Javascript = class Javascript { ... } }, 2 => class View { protected $vars = NULL; public $file = NULL; public $view_ext = '.pdt'; public $view = 'admin\\default'; public $default_view = 'admin\\default'; public $view_dir = '/blesta/app/views/admin/default/'; public $view_path = 'app\\'; public $default_view_path = 'app\\'; private $container = class Minphp\Container\Container { ... }; public $CurrencyFormat = class CurrencyFormat { ... }; public $Date = class Date { ... }; public $DataStructure = class DataStructure { ... }; public $Form = class Form { ... }; public $Html = class Html { ... }; public $Xml = class Xml { ... }; public $Javascript = class Javascript { ... } }], $type = 'helpers' ) ...\Loader.php:158 7 0.0760 966544 Loader::createInstance( $class = 'Widget', $params = [] ) ...\Loader.php:253 8 0.0760 966640 newInstance( ) ...\Loader.php:274 9 0.0760 967056 Widget->__construct( ) ...\Loader.php:274 10 0.0760 967056 Loader::loadComponents( $parent = class Widget { public $xhtml = TRUE; protected $eol = '\n'; protected $return_output = FALSE; protected $widget_buttons = []; protected $style_sheets = []; protected $render = NULL; protected $nav = []; protected $nav_type = 'links'; protected $link_buttons = []; protected $filters = NULL; protected $show_filters = NULL; protected $ajax_filtering = NULL; protected $filter_html = ''; protected $filter_uri = ''; protected $header_link = ''; private $badge_uri = NULL; private $badge_value = NULL; private $widget_buttons_map = ['filter-toggle' => [...], 'arrow' => [...], 'setting' => [...], 'full_screen' => [...]] }, $components = [0 => 'Session'] ) ...\widget.php:38 11 0.0760 967432 Loader::loadInstances( $classes = [0 => 'Session'], $set_in = [0 => class Widget { public $xhtml = TRUE; protected $eol = '\n'; protected $return_output = FALSE; protected $widget_buttons = [...]; protected $style_sheets = [...]; protected $render = NULL; protected $nav = [...]; protected $nav_type = 'links'; protected $link_buttons = [...]; protected $filters = NULL; protected $show_filters = NULL; protected $ajax_filtering = NULL; protected $filter_html = ''; protected $filter_uri = ''; protected $header_link = ''; private $badge_uri = NULL; private $badge_value = NULL; private $widget_buttons_map = [...] }], $type = 'components' ) ...\Loader.php:140 12 0.0764 967840 Loader::createInstance( $class = 'Session', $params = [] ) ...\Loader.php:253 13 0.0764 967936 newInstance( ) ...\Loader.php:274 14 0.0764 968024 Session->__construct( ) ...\Loader.php:274 15 0.0767 968512 Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass( $class = 'Minphp\\Session\\Handlers\\PdoHandler' ) ...\Session.php:56 16 0.0767 968512 Composer\Autoload\includeFile( $file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\blesta\\vendors\\composer/../minphp/session/src/Handlers/PdoHandler.php' ) ...\ClassLoader.php:346 17 0.0769 968776 include( 'C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php ) ...\ClassLoader.php:478 Something went wrong. During inheritance of SessionHandlerInterface: Uncaught UnknownException: Return type of Minphp\Session\Handlers\PdoHandler::open($savePath, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php:65 Stack trace: #0 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\monolog\monolog\src\Monolog\ErrorHandler.php(232): UnknownException::setErrorHandler(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65, Array) #1 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php(10): Monolog\ErrorHandler->handleError(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65) #2 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(478): include('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #3 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(346): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #4 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Components\Session.php(56): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('Minphp\\Session\\...') #5 [internal function]: Session->__construct() #6 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #7 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Session', Array) #8 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(140): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'components') #9 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\helpers\widget\widget.php(38): Loader::loadComponents(Object(Widget), Array) #10 [internal function]: Widget->__construct() #11 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #12 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Widget', Array) #13 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(158): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'helpers') #14 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(154): Loader::loadHelpers(Object(AdminSystemCompanies), Array) #15 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(123): Controller->helpers(Array) #16 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\app\app_controller.php(0): Controller->__construct() #17 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Dispatcher.php(119): AppController->__construct('admin_system_co...', NULL, false) #18 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/blesta/admin/s...') #19 {main}. During inheritance of SessionHandlerInterface: Uncaught UnknownException: Return type of Minphp\Session\Handlers\PdoHandler::open($savePath, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php:65 Stack trace: #0 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\monolog\monolog\src\Monolog\ErrorHandler.php(232): UnknownException::setErrorHandler(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65, Array) #1 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php(10): Monolog\ErrorHandler->handleError(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65) #2 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(478): include('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #3 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(346): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #4 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Components\Session.php(56): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('Minphp\\Session\\...') #5 [internal function]: Session->__construct() #6 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #7 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Session', Array) #8 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(140): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'components') #9 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\helpers\widget\widget.php(38): Loader::loadComponents(Object(Widget), Array) #10 [internal function]: Widget->__construct() #11 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #12 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Widget', Array) #13 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(158): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'helpers') #14 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(154): Loader::loadHelpers(Object(AdminSystemCompanies), Array) #15 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(123): Controller->helpers(Array) #16 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\app\app_controller.php(0): Controller->__construct() #17 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Dispatcher.php(119): AppController->__construct('admin_system_co...', NULL, false) #18 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/blesta/admin/s...') #19 {main} on line 10 in C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php UnknownException::setFatalErrorHandler Line During inheritance of SessionHandlerInterface: Uncaught UnknownException: Return type of Minphp\Session\Handlers\PdoHandler::open($savePath, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php:65 Stack trace: #0 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\monolog\monolog\src\Monolog\ErrorHandler.php(232): UnknownException::setErrorHandler(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65, Array) #1 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\session\src\Handlers\PdoHandler.php(10): Monolog\ErrorHandler->handleError(8192, 'Return type of ...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...', 65) #2 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(478): include('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #3 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\composer\ClassLoader.php(346): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('C:\\wamp64\\www\\b...') #4 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Components\Session.php(56): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('Minphp\\Session\\...') #5 [internal function]: Session->__construct() #6 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #7 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Session', Array) #8 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(140): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'components') #9 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\helpers\widget\widget.php(38): Loader::loadComponents(Object(Widget), Array) #10 [internal function]: Widget->__construct() #11 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance() #12 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Widget', Array) #13 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Loader.php(158): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'helpers') #14 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(154): Loader::loadHelpers(Object(AdminSystemCompanies), Array) #15 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Controller.php(123): Controller->helpers(Array) #16 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\app\app_controller.php(0): Controller->__construct() #17 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\vendors\minphp\bridge\src\Lib\Dispatcher.php(119): AppController->__construct('admin_system_co...', NULL, false) #18 C:\wamp64\www\blesta\index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/blesta/admin/s...') #19 {main} ----------------------------------- but as the error reporting in blesta is turned off, it works normally i need to enable error reporting as i am trying to code a plugin any help from the community or the devs!!!
  13. Hi i feel to cancel the billing you can do either of the two 1. use a coupon code for 100% free 2. incase you do no wish to delete the account, you may suspend it, but you will not be able to use the suspended account till its active/unsuspended just to note, when we cancel an account it will delete it completely let me know if the coupon-code thing works for your plan!
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