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Everything posted by RebornWebs

  1. Apital is my favorite one and great work on ghostbill
  2. great work +1
  3. +1 For FraudRecord it would be useful to have.
  4. Here is a picture of the issue i am having.
  5. Keep up the good work
  6. RebornWebs

    Release 3.3.1

    updating now. Good Work
  7. When i override the invoice dates to give a client a free month etc if will still issue the client the invoice for that month and if it is unpaid they will be suspended before their plan ends.
  8. is this 3..3 compatible?
  9. i noticed a issue that when i install it it shows the message "array" and when the plugin is uninstalled my blesta is fine. the arrays message appears in the upper left hand side.
  10. RebornWebs

    Release 3.3.0

    great release
  11. I like this idea +1
  12. RebornWebs

    Release 3.3.0-B2

    Great work guys.
  13. I know this live chat / help desk may not be popular but i would like to request a module so when people make a ticket on their help desk it goes to your blesta tickets instead. I know this will be a very very low priority suggestion as it does not have much demand.
  14. +1 here also
  15. We found out the issue. It seems the clients email provider was delaying when he got the emails.
  16. My clients are receiving notices for payments or getting the suspension of service emails even when there invoice is pay. Is there any reason what may be causing this.
  17. I Had an idea that if they have set paypal subscriptions up you can set a option so it does not email then with a invoice but auto marks it as paid. I dont know if this is possible or not.
  18. +1 for this also
  19. At the minute you can sort clients by clicking active, inactive or fraud Would there be any chance to get a sub heading under active what says active with Product or something like that
  20. Update. I have found it
  21. Do you know any query for changing moudle_id under services as this is the issue why it wont remove.
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