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Everything posted by JohnZ3701

  1. I know this is an old post, but I thought I would give some headway. The CCs are saved in the database, and the last 4 are seen by the customer and staff, along with the type and EXP. At some point, i believe it decrypts this information just to even show us this much, but i could be wrong. It does decrypt this information to run CC's. Further, in the database is a table with the encrypted code, and an Id back to the current hash being used. Hashes are automatically updated every so often, with the possibility of more then one at any time being used. There appears to be maybe 1 master 'salt', to the multiple hashes. I'm sure with the correct sequence, unencrypting for the sake of moving and importing elsewhere could be scripted easily.
  2. I'd love to see some cloustack integration with Blesta. I'd be willing to sponsor it as well. A slow rollout would be acceptable to me as well. A first version that can: create the user suspends if they don't pay cancel on customers request or on non-payment be able for admin or user to update CS password A simple link to the enduser to the CS portal Lock customer to X resources (doesn't need full reseller access) A future version would: Charge for overage in bandwidth Allow a customer to pay for more resourses, or change to a plan with more resources Allow for more of a reseller feel, but let CSs portal to the work where possible. (not sure is possible) have the customer put down a credit, and then use the resources they want until the credits are gone. They can then refill the credit, or the account would be closed after X days. (A pay as you go)
  3. +1 to that! I'd be looking for cloudstack integration, count me in for some sponsoring as well!
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