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Everything posted by dany

  1. Hi, If I get any guidance for solving my issue it will be great help.
  2. Hi Sir, I wanted to create extra fields like script user wants to install, admin username and admin password alongwith cPanel service options (i.e domain name, username and password) which will be displayed while adding service(creating cPanel account). I could create 'script user wants to install' field using configurable options. It seems that Universal Module wont serve my purpose of adding and passing the values of text fields admin username and password while adding service for cPanel module. So now what should be done in order to display them (i.e admin username and password) so that I can retrieve and pass its values to my autoinstall script?
  3. Hi Blesta Support Team, I am facing an issue which I had posted few days back on this forum but have not got any response till now. If anyone can guide me on how to solve this, it would be a huge help.
  4. Hi Sir, Another issue I am facing is that I created an addon package group as you said, installed universal module, added service options(admin username and password), created package and added addon package in package group. I could display the service options while adding service. After creating cpanel account when I checked the parameters passed to add Service event, I didnt find the service options(admin username and password) with values that I gave. How to get those values?Aren't they passed to add Service() event?
  5. Sorry wont be able to share the plugin. I need to add few more things to it. I am still working on it.
  6. Hi Sir, Thank you very much. It worked perfectly the way I wanted it to.
  7. Can you provide me with some examples as how can I use Services.add event to trigger my function?where should I paste the code of triggering my function?
  8. Hi Sir, I think it will be better that I use services add event because I want the function to be triggered not only when cPanel account is created but also when Directadmin, Interworx and Plesk accounts are created.
  9. Hi Sir, Another issue I am facing is that I want to execute my script install function when a service is added in cPanel(i.e when cPanel account is created). For that do I have to make changes in add function of class 'services' or is there any other way with which my function will be triggered when service is added?
  10. Hi Sir, Thank you for all the guidance.
  11. Hi Sir, I am using cPanel module. I want to add custom fields script the user wants to install , admin username and admin password in which the user will enter the values and these will be used to install script directly as soon as cPanel account is created. How will I add the those text custom fields alongwith cPanel domain, username and password?
  12. Hi Sir, Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to add text field for retrieving script admin username and admin password for accessing admin panel of a script installation. Can you guide me how to add the same through custom code?
  13. Hi Blesta Support Team, I want to add one text field along-with domain, username, password and confirm password in add service page of cpanel module. I read your documentation regarding creating configurable options and found only four option types: radio, drop-down, checkbox and quantity Is there any way to add text field? Can you guide me?
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