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Everything posted by R.W's

  1. License Sold. Thank you all for your interest.
  2. I'm sorry, am i missing something? Where can someone get a license cheaper? The cheapest i found is from License Cart i.e for $170.
  3. Hello. I have a blesta unbranded license(purchased from blesta.com) up for sale. Asking $85. Looking for a quick and immediate sale Support/Updates: Expired. Confirmed as a legit license by blesta team: Ticket ID #7015305 Please pm me for any other questions
  4. R.W's

    Blesta Error

    Thank you Dean for your reply. I don't know, i have just installed blesta and it showed this error. @Licensecart, they are skynethosting.net
  5. R.W's

    Blesta Error

    Hello. Please find the error here: http://i.imgur.com/krt8Azg.png I've contacted my host and they said: "By default outgoing connections from our server are blocked, this error : php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo reports that, the software is contacting a remote site for any data collection. Could you kindly contact Blesta support to confirm the remote ip/host contacted via the Blesta program, we can allow access for that same host on our server."
  6. Hello. I've installed this plugin. But, i already have support tickets and departments that are to be imported from the traditional support manager to support manager pro. Can anyone help?
  7. I'm not able to pm you. Can you please contact me on saimohit2000@gmail.com, i need a custom blesta plugin to be coded.

  8. I'm still having my license for sale. Accepting offers via Western Union. I can also get it verified that it's eligible for transfer and updates are good until august 14 2014. It's no longer in use as i don't have any need for it, but it's a great piece of software.
  9. R.W's

    [Imp] Please Help Me

    Hello guys. I have my whmcs backup which is 2 months old. As i'm trying to import it into my blesta, i encounter the following errors : http://i.imgur.com/svaPC5t.png. I want to import to my blesta install and put it to production Please help. Thank you very much
  10. Happy Easter.
  11. Thank you for answering
  12. R.W's

    Need Some Help

    Thank you very much . Cody, i appreciate your efforts for driving me to the correct place
  13. R.W's

    Need Some Help

    Hello there, I'll be happy if anyone can help me with the following : 1.How to add resell.biz api in logicboxes ? What should be the registrar name ? 2.The best way for email piping in cpanel 3. Also did anybody successfully configure gogetssl Plugin Detailed Instructions are appreciated Best REgards, Sai
  14. Please do it asap . Even i was facing the same issue.I managed to solve it by moving it to public_html/billing . If you want me to run any commands on my server to resolve it, do let me know
  15. Then i guess you have to contact your hosting provider to further investigate with this . Did you create a support ticket with them ?
  16. That's Great
  17. Oh i see Thank you
  18. Hello there, Do we have any mass emailer option in blesta ? Thank's for the answer !
  19. Thank you for all the responses . I have some good new's for all of you .They said they will be start working on it in a week or two on the replies you've made. So we'll have it soon
  20. Hello there, Is anybody interested in feathur blesta module . Feathur staff said that they'll start building it on the number of interested blesta users . It's a Perfect Solus VM Alternative . Currently it's only works on openvz Check it out : http://feathur.com What is Feathur? Feathur is a VPS control panel based on PHP. Typical Feathur installers create a linux based nginx, php and mysql system (LEMP) with a built in PHPMyAdmin and control VPS via SSH connections. Feathur is designed to have global administrators and individual users. Each administrator can control all of the VPS in the system. Each user can control any VPS assigned to them by an administr Just caste your vote here to get the module
  21. oKay if i happen to edit the previous thread . How can i change the title ? I tirst thought of doing the same . Anyway thank's for your precious suggestion . If the mod's can do it for me then i will simply edit one of my threads
  22. I think there must be one as far as i know . . I remember i had seen one but can't able to recall the place It should be somewhere in the forums . I hope a Moderator should drive you there !
  23. Hello Community, 2 of my Blesta Unbranded Licenses are held for sale at the moment . It's bought during beta time and i don't find any use for them now 2 for 249$ Only (1 direct blesta.com one and the other is from Licensepal) Note for the buyer : You have to include the paypal fees on top of that (Or you can gift me the money) . Only Paypal is Accepted ! P.S : Moderators. Would you please delete all the 4 threads i've created for the 2 licenses ?(jRequest to keep the forum clean) I'll post any updates here if required
  24. I appreciate your suggestion . Yeah i see it's messed up I'l drop the price to 155$ (Via paypal) Is anyone interested now ? Feel free to Contact me Thanks
  25. Mr. Ken I own two licenses . One from Blesta and other from licensepal The previous threads i've opened are sale for licensepal one . This is a blesta.com direct one . I think everybody got my point . I thought a direct blesta.com license can caught an eye for a buyer . So i opened a new thread Paul, if you feel it's not fair . Then you can delete it right away
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