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Dany Kurniawan

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  1. oke sir. i have found the way i have to edit. find this code on app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt ....... </li> <?php } ?> //add the code below here </ul> <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"> <li class="dropdown"> ....... repalce the "//add the code below here" with the code below : <li class="dropdown"> <a class="dropdown-toggle" href="main-menu-link-to-navigate" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class=""></i>Main Menu To Show <b class="caret"></b></a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><a href="link-to-navigate-1"><i class=""></i>Dropdown Menu To Show 1</a></li> <li><a href="link-to-navigate-2"><i class=""></i>Dropdown Menu To Show 2</a></li> </ul> </li> and here is the result : Hope this will help anyone that want to edit the nav-menu using dropdown style. Thanks sir @Licensecart for your clue.
  2. i have edited the navigation.php file for that. but all i can do is just add menu without dropdown style. what about the support manager plugin? it has dropdown menu in the client page. i look at the plugin_action table on the DB. that plugin using serialize array to make dropdown menu. have you ever try that? *attachment *i wanna add "VPS" and "Dedicated Server" inside the "Our Service" Menu
  3. hello sir, i wanna ask about making dropdown nav. is it possible for everyone to make manual menu with dropdown option in client page? is it yes, would you please help? thanks before.
  4. Hello everyone. Good Day, I have a little bit problem in adding some nav-menu item on client page. The scenario is : I wanna add some menu on client page. The nav-menu is using dropdown style. I have looked up at plugin_action table on the DB. I look at the support menu plugin for example. That plugin is using serialize array to make the dropdown menu. What i wanna ask is, can i make dropdown menu without using the code style of support manager plugin on navigation.php file? If i have to use the code style of support manager, would anybody help me please to explain the way it does? Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks before for anybody that want to help.
  5. Yes, i install blesta with Softaculous. Hehehe... yesterday i realize that cron not run since 1 week. so i decide to run it manually from Settings > System > Automation. Until now, the cron status still showing like this. until now, it has no change. otherwise, it's been 1 day after i run that cron.
  6. so, i have to delete cron job default when the first time i install blesta? below is the cron job default by blest installation
  7. permit me to ask Allan. So, i have to add the word "local" in the server cpanel cron job or in the admin setting of blesta? i try in the admin setting of blesta, but it can't be changed.
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