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siteAdmin last won the day on June 21 2017

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  1. I have a Trial Key which was issued to me almost year ago, I stopped using it few months ago. Can I continue using it? If so how long will it be valid for? Anyway, I have sent PM to Paul for a new Trial key and awaiting reply. Thank you in advance.
  2. We are also interested in PayUbiz. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the information.
  4. Mike has updated the License validity about 45 mins ago. It works now. Thank you Mike for your prompt attention, despite today being a Sunday (holiday for most of us).
  5. Hi Blesta Support, I use a license from Licensecart.com on clients.itnosa.com. It should be valid until end of July. But today the site says license is NOT VALID and we are unable to login. Have sent URGENT email to Licensecart, but auto reply says office is closed today (being a Sunday). Is there anyway Blesta Staff can help to activate the license as clients' requirements need admin login?. Thank you in advance
  6. New production install at www.clients.itnosa.com with no external files (except of course for the logo img). Very quick and simple modification. We plan to introduce this to other customers as well. Cheers!
  7. We would also like to have the feature to set discounts based on Client Groups as mentioned above. Any ETA decided yet? Thanks.
  8. Thanks. We are aware of this. In our case we need to send out invoices by staff. Therefore, it (hiding) has to be done at the Admin's end so that the staff will not have unusable long list of packages in the dropdown box.
  9. Can you be wee bit more specific please? Thanks.
  10. Can someone please shed some light on how to modify " $this->Form->fieldSelect("group_package", $package_options, $this->Html->ifSet($vars->package_id), array('id'=>"group_package"), $this->Html->ifSet($package_attributes, array()));" in file "admin_clients_addservice.pdt" in order to hide "0" qtty packages? note: still learning the minPHP Classes Thank you in advance.
  11. We will also try the Restricted packages as suggested. Thanks. P.S. Tried Restricted packages. Unfortunately, this will not help us as we do not want to create an order for. We only need to add the service and send out an invoice. So, we'll definitely have to modify the search results in the dropdown box.
  12. Thanks for all the replies. Anyway we want to modify the search results which is populating the dropdown selection. Since Blesta is NOT written in standard PHP (and no documentation available for minPHP) we find it difficult to do it quickly. That's the reason we wanted to get a readymade code for the modification. If such mod is NOT available, we'll do it the hard way. No worries. Thanks again.
  13. That's not a feature supported yet, and why would your staff be adding a package which is out of stock? Thanks for the reply. FYI, supposing we want to offer customized packages that are unique, max package qtty will be 1. So once the singly package is consumed, we do not want to see it again in the selection (at the time of adding services to other clients). Imagine if it gets populated with 100+ zero qtty unavailable packages !
  14. The dropdown selection - when the admin want to add a service to a client. After a particular package is consumed (i.e. the package has become "0" quantity), the name of the package is still displayed in the selection when the admin clicks the "add serve" to a client. I do not want them to be displayed again until the package become available again (i.e. "0" quantity becomes 1, 2. 3 etc) manually by the admin or cancellation of such package from an existing client. Thanks.
  15. I created a Package with available quantity "1" on http://localhost/blesta/admin/packages/add/ Then I consumed it for a client. Now the quantity is "0" and it is displayed correctly on http://localhost/blesta/admin/packages/ But this package still appears in the dropdown selection on http://localhost/blesta/admin/clients/addservice/2/ I am aware that this package can not be consumed again as it produces the ERROR message to indicate that the package is NOT available. Everything works perfect. But how can I get rid of all the "0" quantity packages in in the dropdown selection when adding services. I noticed that this question has been asked befoe back in 2013 or so. The ERROR message, when adding services, has been added after that. But the hiding of the "0" quatity packages in the dropdown selections still exists. Has somebody fixed this issue? If so would you mind posting the code sample please? Using blesta v.3.6.2 and Universal Module. Thank you in advance.
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