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    Prague, CZ

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  1. anything new with post/arrear payments? It would be very useful with our clients... thanks
  2. email finally sent. For the impatient, you can enable the taxed coupons over here. Change 'tax' => false to true: /blesta/app/models/services.php
  3. Bad news guys. I got a serious bug. With VAT... the Blesta shows CORRECT values under "services" tab... BUT... it puts DIFFERENT numbers to the recurring invoices. I suspect, that it worked before updating to 4.x. Example: service: 100 USD per month + VAT 20%, minus discount coupon 50% minus 20% VAT from that = 100+20-50-10 = 60 USD TOTAL. This is correctly shown under client / services. BUT.. here comes that problem: IT INVOICES: 100USD + 20% TAX = 120 USD MINUS 50 USD discount = 70 USD. 70 is not 60 USD expected by the customer. Please.. this is pretty urgent.
  4. hehe.. okay, next time I'm gonna use the unified diff format ...the reason why I used that is that I've forgotten the diff's syntax and was too lazy to study the man page again...
  5. <svg id="graph_revenue_year" class="graph nvd3-svg"><text class="nvd3 nv-noData" dy="-.7em" x="420" y="90" style="text-anchor: middle;">There is no data to display</text></svg> there is no "g" tag inside this middle svg.
  6. ok, thx gonna try it.
  7. Dont know what coud be wrong, but that new Revenue (Year to Date) in 4.0.0 is not showing anything for me...
  8. Hix

    Module gogetssl

    I got the same behaviour. Tried to connect to the real AND Sanbox APIs.. didnt list the products.
  9. Hi, I've just upgraded to 4.0.0 -- everything went smoothly, BUT... that annoying invoice downloading reappeared So here is the patch. I really think there should be a "view" (= stream to browser) AND "download" links on the invoice row. I've simply created a streamInvoices function and thats it. *** ../_extract/blesta/app/controllers/admin_billing.php 2017-03-14 10:23:18.000000000 +0100 --- ./blesta/app/controllers/admin_billing.php 2017-03-18 12:22:23.230248000 +0100 *************** *** 282,288 **** // Print invoices if (!array_key_exists('mark_printed', $this->post)) { $this->components(['InvoiceDelivery']); ! $this->InvoiceDelivery->downloadInvoices($invoice_ids); exit; } else { // Mark invoices printed --- 282,288 ---- // Print invoices if (!array_key_exists('mark_printed', $this->post)) { $this->components(['InvoiceDelivery']); ! $this->InvoiceDelivery->streamInvoices($invoice_ids); exit; } else { // Mark invoices printed diff -cr ../_extract/blesta/app/controllers/admin_clients.php ./blesta/app/controllers/admin_clients.php *** ../_extract/blesta/app/controllers/admin_clients.php 2017-03-14 10:23:18.000000000 +0100 --- ./blesta/app/controllers/admin_clients.php 2017-03-18 12:21:51.650062000 +0100 *************** *** 4292,4298 **** // Download the invoice in the admin's language $this->components(['InvoiceDelivery']); ! $this->InvoiceDelivery->downloadInvoices([$invoice->id], ['language' => Configure::get('Blesta.language')]); exit; } --- 4292,4298 ---- // Download the invoice in the admin's language $this->components(['InvoiceDelivery']); ! $this->InvoiceDelivery->streamInvoices([$invoice->id], ['language' => Configure::get('Blesta.language')]); exit; } diff -cr ../_extract/blesta/app/controllers/client_invoices.php ./blesta/app/controllers/client_invoices.php *** ../_extract/blesta/app/controllers/client_invoices.php 2017-03-14 10:23:18.000000000 +0100 --- ./blesta/app/controllers/client_invoices.php 2017-03-18 12:22:45.823894000 +0100 *************** *** 114,120 **** } $this->components(['InvoiceDelivery']); ! $this->InvoiceDelivery->downloadInvoices([$invoice->id]); exit; } } --- 114,120 ---- } $this->components(['InvoiceDelivery']); ! $this->InvoiceDelivery->streamInvoices([$invoice->id]); exit; } } diff -cr ../_extract/blesta/components/invoice_delivery/invoice_delivery.php ./blesta/components/invoice_delivery/invoice_delivery.php *** ../_extract/blesta/components/invoice_delivery/invoice_delivery.php 2017-03-14 10:23:20.000000000 +0100 --- ./blesta/components/invoice_delivery/invoice_delivery.php 2017-03-18 12:20:53.422226000 +0100 *************** *** 310,315 **** --- 310,320 ---- $invoices = $this->getInvoices($invoice_ids, true); $this->buildInvoices($invoices, true, $options)->download(); } + public function streamInvoices(array $invoice_ids, array $options = null) { + $invoices = $this->getInvoices($invoice_ids, true); + $this->buildInvoices($invoices, true, $options)->stream(); + } + /** * Returns an errors raised
  10. Hix

    Coupons & Tax

    OK, gonna test it. Paul I'm either INSANE or I've just seen Blesta calculating Coupons + Tax with two different results. Now it's OK, but it was not in the morning. Looks like I've edited SOMETHING which fixed the issue. Dont know what though...
  11. for some sick and alien reason IT IS WORKING NOW. looks like something was UPDATED when i edited all the services with coupons. further info: with our new company, we were NOT a VAT-registered company when we had installed the Blesta, so the tax wasnt there before.. I mean with that services.
  12. check this... my Blesta 3.6.2 is doing EXACTLY the same as something what was fixed in 3.0.6?
  13. Hix

    Coupons & Tax

    the bug is still there with the current STABLE release.
  14. Hix

    Have I been Pwned?

    Adobe, Badoo, Linkedin, Modaco, Myspace. Well.. didnt know about Modaco... edit: + Ashley Madison
  15. @Paul hey look.. here is the patch. It was quite an annoying bug, so I patched it. Me not being a true developer though, so I'm not sure if this is a proper way how to compare a date --- /root/billing_overview_statistics.php 2016-10-13 17:16:04.000000000 +0200 +++ ./plugins/billing_overview/models/billing_overview_statistics.php 2016-10-13 17:35:21.000000000 +0200 @@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ innerJoin("client_groups", "client_groups.id", "=", "clients.client_group_id", false)-> where("client_groups.company_id", "=", $company_id)-> where("invoices.status", "in", array("active", "proforma"))-> + where("invoices.date_billed", "<", date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("now") ) )-> where("invoices.currency", "=", $currency)-> where("invoices.date_closed", "=", null)-> fetch(); @@ -262,4 +263,4 @@ numResults(); } } -?> \ No newline at end of file +?> billing_overview_statistics.patch
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