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Rahul Mukati

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Everything posted by Rahul Mukati

  1. Any plugin which cancel service, invoices, transaction related to that service?
  2. Hello there, I am having some users who created same web hosting services which i want to delete. They are using cPanel Module. I want some plugin or something that once we select service and delete than it delete all invoice, service, transaction all to be deleted.. all Please suggest any plugin. Thank you
  3. Aww!!! Ok I ill try
  4. Cheapest, Best, Unlimited Web Hosting Service Provided by Hostomy. :)

  5. Hello there, I want to change cPanel Extended module to cPanel default one of all my clients. Can anyone tell me how i do that? Thank you!
  6. Hello there, I am getting many issues with cPanel Extended module. ● If we change password from cPanel (not using cPanel Extended module) then it not works. We have to change from cPanel Extended module only. ● It not terminate the service also after cancelling from admin area too. I never used cPanel official module. I thought due to more features I should use cPanel Extended module. Please suggest me. And can i change users module?? Thank you
  7. Hello there, I am using cPanel Extended module. When user cancel service from his client area than it is not terminated from WHM. Please tell me what i do.
  8. Thank you! Its working great!!!
  9. Hello there, I need help regarding how to make a notice to users so that whenever they login they see that message.
  10. Thank You @jobplease. It worked!!!
  11. Hello guys, I am new to blesta and using v3.6.1. I have some clients which made payment through offline mode. However i activated there services but i am not able to mark there invoices as paid. Can anyone give me steps how to do that? Thank in advance!
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