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Everything posted by mukesh

  1. how can delete ticket from database
  2. @PauloV i added supportpro its showing twice in both admin and client area. and other thing like open ticket is also twice show. support_managerpro.zip
  3. mukesh

    logicboxes modules

    i remove , [ ] from address than its working no customer id error shown.
  4. mukesh

    logicboxes modules

    issue resolved --- when customer signup and they use special character in there addresss e.g: ,[] when i edit there address line and remove its working and domain activated
  5. mukesh

    logicboxes modules

    when i activate domain using module.
  6. mukesh

    logicboxes modules

    i uploaded again after some edit
  7. mukesh

    logicboxes modules

    output error: https://httpapi.com/api/customers/search.json {"recsonpage":"0","recsindb":"0"}
  8. yes i want to see what services are scheduled to be invoiced soon?
  9. before send to customer upcoming invoices shown.
  10. product out of stock shown but when in stock customer/subscriber received a mail. email field shown like: enter your email address to be notified when this server is back in stock:
  11. i enter valid domain than invoice deliver no further unsent failed log shown.
  12. on demo account unsent invoice show on log almost 150 unsent mail shown how stop why this invoice sending after service cancelled on demo account
  13. where can i see output log
  14. i am try to add domain from admin panel. customer already signup but i am try to add services but not worked
  15. require parameter missing when i add domain from admin panel to register domain
  16. its 50-50 some customer invoice send fine and some generating mutltiple
  17. today i check 3 more invoices generated.
  18. i change 15-20 ago, i change invoice date before renewal from 10 to 12 days after that this issue occur
  19. customer done payement but invoice generate for same service this is 3rd invoice
  20. mail log for 3 invoices screenshot
  21. no, mail log is recently but this occur from last 10-15 days. this happend with other invoices some day ago above on top i added 3 invoice generated which is old than , twice invoice screenshot
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