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Everything posted by Henrynowa

  1. still working on that one here is my my problem when you click on the client area drop down fill in the login i get this on re direct ok i got to work change it from ture to false is there away to add the form token?
  2. still working on that one here is my my problem when you click on the client area drop down fill in the login i get this on re direct
  3. ok i have made a template out of my master template that i have liked over the years here is my question how do i add some navigation to my site? http://www.starlitenetwork.com/blesta i was not able to find any info on this ok got the menu working now i have this messages The form token is invalid. i get it when you click on client area you can use this as a test login henrynowa66@gmail.com password321
  4. Henrynowa

    Bootstrap editor

    not sure were to post this question what is a good free bootstrap editor that can be used to make template or edit one for blesta? henry
  5. thank you for the fast reply
  6. is there a plugin for mail in payments like money, check, cash henry
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